DBW held a virtual workshop in March 2024 to provide an overview of the grant application. The workshop is posted in the Online Grant Application sidebar on this webpage.

To learn more about the SAVE grant application or sign up for a future SAVE grant application workshop, email Gina Disney at

The SAVE grant program is designed to remove, reduce and prevent abandoned recreational vessels from entering our waterways. Administered by the California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW), grants are awarded annually to qualified local public agencies statewide. The SAVE program, formerly called the Abandoned Watercraft Abatement Fund and the Vessel Turn In Program enacted in 1998 and 2010 respectively, has provided millions of dollars in grants and has successfully removed thousands of vessels.

GranteeYear FundedGrant Amount
Alameda Police Department 2022 $100,000
Berkeley Marina, City of 2022 $60,000 
Contra Costa County Office of Sheriff 2022 $330,236 
Coronado, City of  2022 $54,310 
Eureka, City of  2022  $39,500 
Long Beach, City of 2022 $200,000
Los Angeles County Sheriff  2022  $80,000
Morro Bay Harbor Department, City of 2022  $15,000
Noyo Harbor District  2022  $80,000
Orange County Sheriff 2022  $60,000
Port San Luis Harbor District 2022  $20,000 
Redwood City, Port of  2022  $38,500 
Richardson's Bay Regional Agency 2022 $233,300
Sacramento County Sheriff  2022  $249,860
Sacramento Police Department  2022  $167,870 
San Diego Fire-Rescue 2022  $150,035  
San Diego Unified Port District 2022 $108,089 
San Joaquin County Sheriff 2022 $150,000 
San Leandro, City of 2022 $27,900
San Mateo County Harbor District 2022 $150,000 
Santa Cruz Port District 2022 $20,400
Sausalito Police Department  2022 $100,000
Solano County Sheriff 2022  $100,000 
Sonoma County Sheriff 2022 $40,000 
Vallejo Municipal Marina 2022  $150,000 
Yolo County Sheriff 2022  $25,000 
Total FY 2022 Funded    $2,750,000

GranteeYear FundedGrant Amount
Alameda Police Department 2023 $200,000
Berkeley Marina, City of 2023 $60,000
Brisbane Marina, City of 2023 $48,320
Contra Costa County Sheriff 2023  $275,000 
Coronado, City of 2023 $40,000 
Los Angeles County Sheriff 2023  $80,000 
Morro Bay Harbor Department, City of 2023 $38,000 
Newport Beach, City of 2023 $175,000
Oakland Police Department, City of 2023 $166,250 
Oceanside Small Craft Harbor District 2023  $36,000
Orange County Sheriff  2023 $51,000 
Port San Luis Harbor District  2023 $20,000
Redondo Beach, City of 2023  $32,500
Redwood City, Port of 2023 $38,500
Richardson's Bay Regional Agency 2023  $275,000
San Diego Unified Port District 2023 $100,000
San Francisco, Port of 2023 $50,000 
San Joaquin County Sheriff 2023  $150,000
San Leandro Marina, City of 2023 $142,325
San Mateo, County of 2023  $71,765
San Mateo County Harbor District 2023  $150,000
Santa Barbara Waterfront Department, City of 2023 $65,500 
Santa Barbara Sheriff 2023  $25,000
Santa Cruz Port District 2023 $14,500 
Stockton, City of 2023  $30,000
Suisun, City of 2023  $60,000
Vallejo Municipal Marina 2023 $150,000 
Ventura Port District 2023 $81,000
Yolo County Sheriff  2023  $124,340
Total FY 2023 Funded   $2,750,000

In October of 1997, Senate Bill 172 (Rainey) created the AWAF in Section 525 of the Harbors and Navigation Code (HNC).

The SAVE grant program is designed to remove, reduce and prevent abandoned recreational vessels from entering our waterways. Administered by the California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW), grants are awarded annually to qualified local public agencies statewide. The SAVE program, formerly called the Abandoned Watercraft Abatement Fund and the Vessel Turn In Program enacted in 1998 and 2010 respectively, has provided millions of dollars in grants and has successfully removed thousands of vessels.

Section 525 (1)(A) of the Harbors and Navigation Code (HNC) allows DBW to distribute grants to local public agencies that have jurisdiction over navigable waterways in California.

Private businesses cannot apply for a SAVE grant; however, they may work through a local public agency that is participating in the SAVE to 1) remove abandoned vessels on their private property, 2) surrender vessels through the Surrendered Vessel Program they have title to, and/or 3) remove navigational hazards.

All applications must be submitted through OLGA. To assist users with this system, an OLGA Instructional Webinar can be viewed from the link in the ONLINE GRANT APPLICATION box on the right side of this page.

Access the OLGA system to begin an application by clicking the link “Online Grant Application (OLGA)” or click here. For first time users, it is strongly recommended to follow the instructions exactly as provided in the webinar.

A local government agency that has jurisdiction over navigable waterways in California may apply for a SAVE grant. Grant amounts are based on the agency's funding request and overall application score. The maximum award is capped at 10% of the total SAVE budget which is typically $2.75 million annually.

For an overview of grant information requested in the SAVE application, and for current grant scoring, review the SAVE Grant Application Scoring Rubric in the blue Resources box. This information may change; please check back each year to verify.

Per HNC 526(1)(C) a grant awarded by DBW shall be matched by a 10-percent contribution from the local agency receiving the grant. SAVE recipients are required to expend their 10-percent contribution before receiving reimbursement from the SAVE program.

The contribution may be rendered in cash or through in-kind contributions which must be verified, and are at the discretion of DBW. The contributions may include the following:

· Personnel hours (verifiable base net hourly rates only)
· Excess expenses above and beyond the grant amount such as storage, removal, etc.

For abandoned vessels, SAVE provides reimbursement funds for the abatement, removal, storage, and disposal of abandoned vessels, wrecked or dismantled vessels, or parts thereof, from navigable waterways or adjacent public property, or private property with the landowner’s consent, per Harbors and Navigation Code (HNC) Section 525. Other partially submerged objects that pose a substantial hazard to navigation may be reimbursed with prior DBW approval.

For abandoned vessels, other expenses such as towing, hazmat removal, appraisals, and lien sale costs are also reimbursable through SAVE.

For surrendered vessels, reimbursable expenses are removal, storage, towing, hazmat removal, demolition, and disposal.

Commercial vessels are not covered under this program.

All processes are explained when a grant is awarded; however, in summary, a participating agency submits a reimbursement claim to DBW using forms available in OLGA. Invoices and payment verification are required to accompany each claim, as is the 10% match. If using an in-kind match, the Itemized 10% In-Kind Contribution Statement is available to download from OLGA. Reimbursement requests may be made at any time, but no later than 45 days after the end date of the grant. Payments normally take 6-8 weeks to process provided all required information is accurate when supplied to DBW.

In an effort to intercept vessels before they are abandoned, the Surrendered Vessel Program is the most efficient and practical solution. Deciding which vessels to accept through the program is up to each participating agency. According to HNC Section 526.1, the public agency determines, in its sole discretion, that the vessel is in danger of being abandoned, and therefore has a likelihood of causing environmental degradation or becoming a hazard to navigation.

Participating SAVE agencies may accept vessels only in their area of responsibility or from other neighboring California communities. Extra points are awarded to applicants who are willing to accept vessels from outside their jurisdiction.

There are both general terms and conditions that are required by all state agreements as well as specific terms and conditions that apply to the grant program. Prospective applicants should ensure that they can comply with these terms and conditions. A copy of the grant agreement can be previewed in OLGA during the application process.

DBW values its partnership with SAVE grantees, and strives to provide concise information, prompt reimbursements, and helpful assistance in order to keep SAVE a viable and robust program for the betterment of California and its people. As in all partnerships, communication is key. To that end, grantees have management responsibilities as well. All agency personnel who will be working on SAVE grant activities are required to view the 30-minute SAVE Grant Management Webinar under Related Pages on the right side of this webpage and attend the virtual meeting of all SAVE agencies conducted annually in the fall.

Grant funds are expected to be utilized effectively. When agencies apply for a new SAVE grant, points are awarded for efficient management of previous grants. In addition to maintaining communication, grantees are expected to utilize as much of their grant as possible with efficiency and relative speed; failure to do so can be detrimental to the intent and future budget of the SAVE program. If an agency is facing the prospect of having substantial unused funds remaining in their grant, then they are encouraged (and may be required) to help other agencies that are in need through the “Funds Assist” process which is facilitated by DBW.

SAVE grant agreements have a two-year term beginning October 1 and ending September 30.

DBW strives to have award notices issued no later than September 1 each year, at which time, the awarded agency will need to download the grant agreement from OLGA. Agencies will sign the agreement and return it to DBW in hard copy along with their City Council or Board of Supervisors Resolution acknowledging authority to accept the grant award and designating the authorized grant signer. Once returned, DBW reviews the grant documents, and completes the internal processes and approvals, typically within one week. When complete, DBW will issue the fully executed agreement and an instruction letter to the award recipient. Work may begin on October 1 or as soon as the agency receives a fully executed agreement from DBW, whichever comes later.