Marine FlaresPhoto by Norma E. Lococo


Disposal of Expired Marine Flares in California

Pyrotechnic flares are classified as hazardous waste. Old, expired flares remain toxic, reactive, and ignitable. Recreational boat owners can learn the current disposal options and best practices for marine pyrotechnic flare disposal in this updated fact sheet.

For more information on flare disposal and new non-pyrotechnic replacement options, review our Flare Disposal page.

Fire Protection for Recreational Boats

Frequently asked questions about fire extinguisher requirements for the recreational boater from the U.S. Coast Guard Office of Auxiliary and Recreational Boating Safety.

Text that says boat responsibly


Life Jacket

Life Jackets

Questions about life jacket wear and California law are explained here. Learn about life jacket fit and how to choose the right life jacket.

Alcohol and Boating Don't Mix

Alcohol consumption on board a boat, not only effects the operator but all passengers. Refresh your knowledge about the dangers of boating under the influence here.


DBW Fact Sheet

When and How to Report a Boating Accident

Learn how to report a boating accident, injury that is beyond first aid or a fatality.

Aquatic Center Facilities and Classes

Before you get on the water for the first time, check out all of the many types of introductory boating safety classes around the state.



Boating Clean & Green Logo

Boating Clean Practices

It's easy for boaters to keep our waterways clean by following these 10 tips for environmentally sound boating.

California Boating Laws

Easy to read explanation of California boating law including equipment, operation, and navigation are all available free, in the ABCs of California Boating.

ABC's of CA Boating Manual



Carbon Monoxide Warning

Carbon Monoxide

Exposure to carbon monoxide in large amounts from you boat can result in death. Learn the symptoms and prevention of this deadly boating danger.

Cold Water Immersion and Shock Prevention

Cold, swift water can be treacherous for boaters accustomed to hot weather and low or slow water. To avoid injury and death, please click here to learn the Do’s and Don’ts of Cold Water Boating.

Close Up of Stream

Current Warning written in Comic Sans

Electrical Shock Drowning Prevention

Electrical shock drownings can occur when marina electrical systems leak electrical current into the water. Boats can also serve as the source of an electrical leakage. This leakage can cause a shock that can injure, disable, or kill a person in the water in and around marinas.

Vessel Safety Checks

What is a vessel safety check? Learn about these courtesy equipment and safety checks and earn your safety seal.