Educational Videos, Publications and Tools
- Delta Boaters' Pumpout and Map Guide (Español: Guía y mapa para el manejo de las aguas negras de los botes en la los ríos Sacramento y San Joaquín.)
A map with the locations of pumpouts throughout the Delta. Includes information about clean boating including equipment, practices and legal requirements.
- San Francisco Bay Boaters' Pumpout and Map Guide (Español: Guía y mapa para el manejo de las aguas negras de los botes en la lo Bahía de San Francisco.)
A map with locations of pumpouts throughout the San Francisco Bay. Includes information about clean boating including equipment, practices and legal requirements.
- Southern California Boater's Guide
This guide provides valuable information about the numerous recreational opportunities within the 15 Southern California harbors, conveniently features boat safety and proper maintenance techniques and offers custom maps and practical harbor information such as how to obtain a guest slip, location of waste and pumpout facilities, entrance obstacles, and much more. This guide was produced by The Bay Foundation and the Division of Boating and Waterways. The Guide is available to purchase from The Bay Foundation, or as a free download, or as an interactive e-book for iPad versions 2 and above.
- When Nature Calls - Web Version
This publication provides boaters with information about proper boat sewage management, Marine Sanitation Devices, how to steps for pumping out boat sewage, no discharge zones and restricted water bodies, laws, and green solutions. This publication was produced by The Bay Foundation and the Division of Boating and Waterways.
- Environmental Boating Laws Every Recreational Boater Should Know
This brochure contains information on Environmental Boating Laws for fuel and oil, sewage, dispersants, hazardous waste, plastic and marine debris. Every recreational boater should ensure that clean boating is part of their experience of enjoying California waterways.
- San Francisco Clean Boating Map
Produced by the City and County of San Francisco Department of the Environment, the California Division of Boating and Waterways, and the California Coastal Commission's Boating Clean & Green Program. The San Francisco Bay Area Clean Boating Map features locations of marina-based pollution prevention services (used oil collection, sewage and bilge pumpout, oil absorbent distribution and collection, marine battery collection), mobile boat-to-boat services and helpful information about clean and safe boating practices.
- Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta Recreational Boating Map
Produced by Keep the Delta Clean Program, the California Division of Boating and Waterways, and the California Coastal Commission’s Boating Clean & Green Program. This map features pollution prevention services at marinas, general marina characteristics, certified used Oil Collection centers and information about clean and safe boating. -
Central Coast Clean Boating Guide (San Mateo, Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties)
This guide map features pollution prevention services at marinas in the coast of San Mateo, Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties, information about clean and safe boating.
This guide is funded in part by the California State Parks Division of Boating And Waterways Clean Vessel Act Education Program, the Federal Clean Vessel Grant Act Program, Save Our Shores, and the California State Parks and the California Coastal Commission’s Boating Clean and Green Program.
Economic Impacts of Sewage Pumpout Systems
This report presents a study of the economic impacts that publicly available sewage pumpout systems have on California marina revenues and the demand for other marina services. While much is known about the environmental benefits of sewage pumpouts, little is known about their economic impacts. This study was conducted by Robert D. Niehaus, Inc (RDN), a consulting firm based in Santa Barbara, on behalf of the California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) and the San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) with funding from the federal Clean Vessel Act (CVA) Grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund.
Boater Sewage Disposal Survey Report
Between October 2020 and February 2021 the California Boating Clean and Green Program (BCGP), San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP), and TBF (project partners) implemented the statewide Boater Sewage Disposal Survey (survey). The survey aimed to collect information on California boaters’ sewage disposal norms and preferences. Project partners sought to find out how boaters currently dispose of boat sewage, if they were satisfied with their chosen method, if they preferred another method, and how they search for information about sewage pumpout and dump stations and clean boating resources. Survey findings were analyzed and a report was produced to summarize boaters’ preferred sewage disposal method and help partners gain insight into how disposal needs are currently being met. Analysis of this information can inform future outreach programs that serve the boating community and help protect the shared resource of California’s waterways.
This report was prepared by the San Francisco Estuary Partnership, The Bay Foundation, and The California State Parks and the California Coastal Commission’s Boating Clean and Green Program and was funded by the California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways Clean Vessel Act Program and a federal Clean Vessel Act Grant through the Sport Fish Restoration Program.
California Vessel Waste Disposal Plan 2020
This plan provides California State Parks Division of Boating & Waterways (DBW) an operational strategy for allocating vessel sewage disposal funding investments to areas where boaters most need these services. The Plan identifies these areas by 1) mapping California’s existing vessel sewage disposal resources (both publicly and privately funded); 2) analyzing the efficacy of the previous Plan’s pumpout and dump station ratios and recommending revisions, if necessary; 3) highlighting physical gaps in the existing network; 4) pinpointing areas of greatest concern; and 5) providing a methodology for making future funding decisions.
This document was prepared in part by the San Francisco Estuary Partnership and The Bay Foundation, for the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways, with funding from the federal Clean Vessel Act (CVA) Grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund.
California Annual Pumpout Report
These reports highlight findings on the condition and operational status of public pumpout stations. The reports make an effort to answer the following question: What is the likelihood that a boater will have a positive experience at a given pumpout? Check out our latest report to see the results of our analysis and explanation of our monitoring programs!
California State Parks Division of Boating & Waterways Clean Vessel Act Education Program and a Federal Clean Vessel Act grant through the Sport Fish Restoration Program fund these reports. Federal Clean Vessel Act grants are funded by fishing equipment sales and motorboat fuel taxes. These reports are produced by The Bay Foundation, San Francisco Estuary Partnership, and the California State Parks DBW.
- 2023 California Clean Vessel Act Pumpout and Dump Station Performance Report
- 2022 California Clean Vessel Act Pumpout and Dump Station Performance Report
- 2021 California Clean Vessel Act Pumpout and Dump Station Performance Report
- 2020 California Sewage Pumpout Report
- 2019 California Sewage Pumpout Report
- 2018 California Sewage Pumpout Report
- 2017 California Sewage Pumpout Report
- Universal Adapter Kits. This exciting project aims to overcome challenges faced when using pumpout stations by making it a simpler, cleaner, and hands-free experience.
- Y-valve Kit. Coming soon!