Boating Educational Materials:
An Annotated Catalog of Marina and Recreational Boater Pollution Education Materials
Many organizations in California and United States have developed educational materials for boaters about environmentally sound boating. The catalog below provides information on resources you can use to work with boaters as partners in your clean marine business efforts.
As materials are arranged by format,
use the Find function of your browser (type control-f) to search the content of he page for desired key word or phrase.
Don't Move A Mussel
Audience: General Public and recreational Boaters
Abstract: This video, produced by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission and funded by the US Fish Wildlife Service, provides the viewer with background information on quagga and zebra mussels, including origins, distribution, biology and transport vectors and a detailed assessment of the impacts they can have on the economy, ecology and culture as told through the eyes of industry representatives. This 46 minute DVD includes a watercraft inspection and decontamination training section.
Contact: Stephen Phillips
205 S.E. Spokane St, Suite 100
Portland, Oregon 97202
(503) 595-3100
Good Mate: Stewardship of the Waterways
Audience: General Public
Abstract: CD
Contact: Ocean Conservancy (formerly the Center for Marine Conservation)
Pollution Prevention Program
1725 DeSales Street, NW #500
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 429-5609
Time for a Change: Alternatives to Copper-Based Boat Bottom Paint
Audience: Recreational boaters, marina and yacht club managers, state and federal agencies, environmental organizations
Abstract: 30 minute video in English and Spanish based on a series of research and education projects conducted by Marine Advisor Leigh T. Johnson and Program Representative Jamie A. Gonzalez of the UC Sea Grant Extension Program in San Diego, where copper-based hull paints have caused levels of dissolved copper in bays to be above EPA limits.
Contact: UC Sea Grant Extension Program
5555 Overland Ave., Ste. 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 694-2852
Most of the publications can be found at:
ABC’s of the California Boating Law
Audience: General Public and Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Explain state boating laws and regulations for equipment, registration, rules of the road, vessel operation, accident reporting and aids to navigation, includes an accident report form and float plan.
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways
One Capitol Mall, Suite 410
Sacramento, CA 95814
(888) 326-2822
Alternative Antifouling Strategies Sampler
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Includes a table on alternatives to copper-based antifouling paints.
Contact: UC Sea Grant Extension Program
5555 Overland Ave., Ste. 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 694-2852
Most of the publications can be found at:
Clean Boating Habits
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Spiral bound booklet of 22 pages, 7 X 5
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways
One Capitol Mall, Suite 410
Sacramento, CA 95814
(888) 326-2822
Keywords: Foul weather preparation, boat maintenance, bilge oil, marine debris, minimum required safety equipment.
Copper-Tolerant Hull-Borne Invasive Species
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Updated summary of research on fouling species that have developed resistance to copper.
Contact: UC Sea Grant Extension Program
5555 Overland Ave., Ste. 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 694-2852
Available at:
It Only Takes a Little Bit (Solo Toma Unos Minutos de su Tiempo)
Audience: General public/ Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Brochure Tri-fold format. Front and Back printing 8 X 11. Information on Oil spill prevention.
Contact: Department of Fish & Wildlife
1807 13th St., Ste.104
Sacramento, CA 95811
Key words: Oil spill prevention, brochure
Keep our Waters Clean Resource Guide
Audience: Parents and teachers
Abstract: 8 page pamphlet on the importance of keeping the waterways clean.
Contact: Keep our Waters Clean Program
(916) 808-1400
Making Dollars and Cents out of Non-Toxic Antifouling Strategies for Boats
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Booklet format about non-toxic antifouling strategies for boats
Contact: UC Sea Grant Extension Program
5555 Overland Ave., Ste. 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 694-2852
Most of the publications can be found at:
Rock the Boat! Balancing Invasive Species, Antifouling and Water Quality for Boats Kept in Saltwater
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: How to prevent and control invasive species on boat hulls, while protecting coastal water quality.
Contact: UC Sea Grant Extension Program
5555 Overland Ave., Ste. 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 694-2852
Most of the publications can be found at:
Staying Afloat with Antifouling Strategies for Boats
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Booklet format about non-toxic antifouling strategies for boats
Contact: UC Sea Grant Extension Program
5555 Overland Ave., Ste. 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 694-2852
Most of the publications can be found at:
A Change is in the Wind for Antifouling Strategies and its Blowing Your Way!
Potti-Training for Boaters program
Boating Pollution Economics & Impacts
Clean Boating Guide
Clean Boating Tips
To Clean or Not to Clean: Managing Fouling on Boat Hulls
Selecting Underwater & Topside Maintenance Services for Your Boat
Underwater Hull Cleaner's Best Management Practices
Sewage Pumpout Stations in San Diego
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Online formatted brochure on various topics
Contact: UC Sea Grant Extension Program
5555 Overland Ave., Ste. 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 694-2852
Most of the publications can be found at:
A Quick and Easy Guide to Using Absorbents
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Paper brochure 4 panel fold up.
Contact: Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission
320 West 4th St., Ste. 200
Los Angeles, CA 90013
(213) 576-6757
Aquatic Nuisance Species Identification Cards
Audience: General Public
Abstract: Sets of three-by-four inch two-sided ID cards with colored photos and illustrations of Hydrilla, Giant Salvinia, Parrot Feather and Zebra Mussel ($4.50 plus tax and shipping).
Contact: California Sea Grant Communications
9500 Gilman Drive
Dept. 0232
La Jolla, CA 92093
A Boating Trail Guide To The Colorado River
Audience: General Public and Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Features 11 maps of the Colorado River, from Blythe to Imperial Dam.
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways
One Capitol Mall, Suite 410
Sacramento, CA 95814
(888) 326-2822
A Boating Trail Guide To the Colorado River
Audience: General Public and Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Features 5 maps of the Colorado River, from Davis Dam to Parker Dam.
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways
One Capitol Mall, Suite 410
Sacramento, CA 95814
(888) 326-2822
A Boating Trail Guide To Kern River
Audience: General Public and Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Includes a map of the river and information on safety, logistics, camping and more.
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways
One Capitol Mall, Suite 410
Sacramento, CA 95814
(888) 326-2822
A Boating Trail Guide to The Merced River
Audience: General Public and Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Features a map of the Merced River Canyon. Includes information on the history, wildlife, and fishing and fire regulations of the area.
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways
One Capitol Mall, Suite 410
Sacramento, CA 95814
(888) 326-2822
Answers to Common Oil Spill Health & Safety Questions “limited copies”
Audience: People involved in Oil Spill clean-up, general public
Abstract: 4-panel brochure, answers commonly asked questions about Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Training, which is required under Title 8, CCR. Describes who needs to be trained, what type of training is required, and reasons as to why the training is necessary.
Contact: Department of Fish & Wildlife Office of Oil Spill Prevention and Response
Public Affairs Officer
1807 13th St., Ste. 104
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 445-9338
Keywords: Environmental protection, oil
Boating Trail Guide To The Sacramento River From Woodson Bridge to Colusa
Audience: General Public and Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Covers Woodson Bridge to Colusa. Includes map access and a chart of float times
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways
One Capitol Mall, Suite 410
Sacramento, CA 95814
(888) 326-2822
BUI Information Card
Audience: General Public and Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Lists penalties for boating under the influence.
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways
One Capitol Mall, Suite 410
Sacramento, CA 95814
(888) 326-2822
Boating Clean and Green in California
Abstract: Laminated plastic, 3 hole punched, 2 sided 8" x 11” sheet, art work is included on the enclosed CD Rom.
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways/California Coastal Commission
45 Fremont St., Ste. 1920
San Francisco, CA 94105
1-(800) COAST4U
Clean Green Boat Maintenance
Abstract: Glossy paper with tabs, 16 pages, art also included on enclosed CD Rom
Contact: California Coastal Commission/ California Division of Boating and Waterways
45 Fremont St., Ste. 1920
San Francisco, CA 94105
1-(800) COAST4U
Clean Boating Guide To The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta “limited Copies”
Audience: Recreational boaters
Abstract: Describes the Do's and Dont's of marine sanitation devices and discharges, how to boat with an environmental bent, a description of recreational and ecological resources at risk, map depicting pumpout stations throughout the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
Contact: San Francisco Estuary Project
1515 Play St., Ste 1400
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 622-2398
Keywords: Clean Vessel Act, debris, fuel, marine sanitation device, no-discharge area, oil, oil-absorbent materials, pathogen, plastic, recycling, sewage
Clean Boating Tips
Audience: Boaters, marina managers, and marina and boat maintenance workers.
Abstract: 6-panel brochure, color cover, includes a summary of wastes to contain, pollution prevention tips, pollutants, regulators and spill reporting information for boaters, marina managers and maintenance workers.
Contact: UC Sea Grant Extension Program
5555 Overland Ave., Ste. 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 694-2852
Most of the publications can be found at:
Keywords: Alternative cleaning tips, boat maintenance, oil, sewage, spill reporting, regulators
Delta Fish
Audience: General Public
Abstract: Information on safety guidelines for eating fish.
Contact: California Department of Public Health
Environmental Health Investigations Branch
850 Marina Bay Parkway
Building P, 3rd Floor
Richmond, CA 94804
(510) 620-3620
Environmental Boating Laws Every Recreational Boater Should Know
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Contains information on Environmental Boating Laws for fuel and oil, sewage, dispersants, hazardous waste, plastic and marine debris.
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways/California Coastal Commission
Vivian Matuk
45 Fremont Street, Suite 1900
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 904-6905
New Zealand Mudsnail Watch Card
Audience: General Public and Recreational Boaters
Abstract: How to be aware of mud snails, how to identify and control them.
Contact: California Department of Fish and Wildlife
1416 9th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 445-0411
Quagga and Zebra Mussels
Audience: General Public and Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Information packet, frequently asked questions, what boaters can do to help, and a fact sheet.
Contact: California Department of Fish and Wildlife
1416 9th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 445-0411
Quagga Mussel Watch Card for Boaters
Audience: General Public and Recreational Boaters Abstract: Informs you what Quagga mussels can do and gives tips on how not to spread invasive species.
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways
One Capitol Mall, Suite 410
Sacramento, CA 95814
(888) 326-2822
Refined Oil for Your Marine Engine “limited copies”
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Paper brochure 4 panel fold up.
Contact: Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission
320 West 4th St., Ste. 200
Los Angeles, CA 90013
(213) 576-6757
The Scoop on Poop
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: 4-panel brochure, pub. March, 1995, describes the effects of recreational boat sewage discharges, the laws surrounding illegal discharges, and the different types of MSD's. The details of the Clean Vessel Act of 1992 are discussed as well as the availability of funding. Suggestions for the proper use of pumpout facilities are given.
Contact: Northern California version:
San Francisco Estuary Project
1515 Play St., Ste 1400
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 622-2398
Southern California version:
Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project
101 Centre Plaza Dr.
Monterey Park, CA 91754
Keywords: Clean Vessel Act, funding, marine sanitation device, no-discharge area, sewage
Stash Your Trash
Help Stop the Drops
Basics of Boat Heads
Basics of Boat Pumpout
Basics of No Discharge Areas
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Various Brochures and Facts sheets
Contact: Boat US
1 (800) Boat-USA
Zap the Zebra
Audience: General Public and Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Brochure on quagga mussels and the recent invasion in the lower Colorado River.
Contact: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Stockton Fishery Resources Office
4001 North Wilson Way
Stockton, CA 95205-2486
209-946-6400 (x321)
Bottom Trawling & Dredging
Cruise Ships & Clean Oceans
Finfish & Open Ocean Aquaculture
Sea Otter
Shark Conservation
The Shifting Baseline Syndrome
Sting Ray Leather: A Fashionable Threat to Species
Storm Drains & Water Pollution
The Tuna-Dolphin Issue NO
Audience: General Public
Abstract: Various fact sheets on various topics concerning the environment, ocean and marine life. All are available online as links:
They may also be obtained by contacting the Ocean Conservancy.
Contact: Contact: Ocean Conservancy (formerly the Center for Marine Conservation)
Pollution Prevention Program
1725 DeSales Street, NW #500
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 429-5609
Boating Pollution Economics and Impacts
Audience: Recreational boaters
Abstract: 4 pgs., guide to economic and environmental benefits of preventing boating pollution. Describes environmental health, human health and economics, pollution, dredging and haulout costs. Breaks information down with a 2-page matrix.
Contact: UC Sea Grant Extension Program
5555 Overland Ave., Ste. 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 694-2852
Most of their publications can be found at:
Keywords: Batteries, boat maintenance, debris, dispersants/detergents, environmental protection, fuel, hazardous materials, oil, pathogen, plastic, toxic chemicals
Boat Sewage
Audience: Recreational boaters
Abstract: 2 pg. fact sheet, describes the threat that sewage from recreational boaters has on the marine waters. Details the ecological impacts, the regulations surrounding boat sewage discharge, and suggests the best practices for head waste disposal.
Contact: Marin County Office of Waste Management
10 N. San Pedro Rd., Rm. 1022
San Rafael, CA 94903-4177
(415) 499-6647
Keywords: Clean Vessel Act, no-discharge area, environmental protection, laws, marine sanitation device, pumpout stations, sewage
California Clean Boating Fact Sheet
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Paper 8" X 11 sheets
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways/California Coastal Commission
45 Fremont St., Ste. 1920
San Francisco, CA 94105-2219
(415) 904-6905
Clean Boating Guide
Audience: Recreational boaters
Abstract: 4-pg. fact sheet, provides pollution prevention practices including those regarding oil and fuel pollution, sewage pollution, marine debris, boat cleaning and maintenance in the slip, and hazardous waste disposal.
Contact: UC Sea Grant Extension Program
5555 Overland Ave., Ste. 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 694-2852
Most of their publications can be found at:
Keywords: Alternative cleaning tips, boat maintenance, hazardous waste disposal, marine sanitation device, oil pumpout stations, sewage
Clean Boating Tips/ Used Oil and Filter Drop Offs
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: 1 page leaflet on clean boating tips
Contact: Contra Costa Clean Water Program
(925) 313- 2360
Mercury in Fish
Audience: General Public
Abstract: Information about fish containing mercury.
Contact: California Department of Public Health
Environmental Health Investigations Branch
850 Marina Bay Parkway
Building P, 3rd Floor
Richmond, CA 94804
(510) 620-3620
Overfishing Score Card
Audience: General public, anglers
Abstract: The goal of The Ocean Conservancy’s Overfishing Scorecard is to highlight the activities of the regional fish councils that are helping to end overfishing and rebuild overfished fish stocks.
Contact: Ocean Conservancy (formerly the Center for Marine Conservation)
Pollution Prevention Program
1725 DeSales Street, NW #500
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 429-5609
Selecting Underwater and Topside Maintenance Services for Your Boat
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: 2 pgs., a guide to communicating with in-slip maintenance contractors about pollution prevention. Topics include selecting a service provider, explaining your expectations, acceptable practices for underwater hull cleaning, topside cleaning, painting, sanding, cleaning and exterior teak deck and trim maintenance.
Contact: UC Sea Grant Extension Program
5555 Overland Ave., Ste. 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 694-2852
Most of their publications can be found at:
Keywords: alternative cleaning tips, boat maintenance
Stop Aquatic Invaders on Our Coast! / Detanga el Transporte de Especies Invasoras Acuticas en Nuestras Costas! Fact Sheet
Audience: Recreational Boaters, Marina and Yacht Club Managers, State and Federal Agencies, Port and Harbor Authorities
Abstract: The Fact Sheet is based on the poster of the same name (see above). It provides recommendations to boaters on how to reduce the hull transport of invasive species, presents photos and impacts of invasive species, and provides information on where to report them.
Contact: University of California Sea Grant Extension Program
County of San Diego MS-O18
5555 Overland Avenue Suite 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(858) 694-2845
Most of the publications can be found at:
Clean Marinas Program Manual
Audience: Marina operators, recreational boaters and general public
Abstract: This website provides a view of the mission, organization, list of certified “clean” marinas, the complete manual illustrating the content to be reviewed during inspection, important links and other topics pertaining to the program.
Contact: Clean Marinas California
Clean Marinas Contact: Diane Isley
2726 Shelter Island Dr. #194
San Diego, CA 92106
Phone: (510) 428-0505
Dockwalker Handbook
Audience: Boaters, Marina and Yacht Club Operators, Fishermen, US Coast Guard Auxiliary, US Power Squadrons, Marine Dealers, Marine Supply Store Managers.
Abstract: A training manual for environmentally sound boating.
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways/ California Coastal Commission
45 Fremont St., Suite 2000
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 904-6905
Everything You Wanted To Know About Hazardous Materials At Marina's and Boatyards...But Were Afraid To Ask
Audience: Marina/Boatyard owners & operators
Abstract: Materials compiled from presentations given during a seminar on Feb. 1, 1995. Includes Hazardous Materials information, Regional Water Quality Control Board (San Francisco Region) Requirements, MARPOL requirements, Clean Vessel Act, requirements, sewage pumpout details, BMPs for marinas/boaters/boatyards.
Contact: Alameda County Health Agency
1131 Harbor Bay Parkway, 2nd Floor
Alameda, CA 94502
Keywords: Environmental protection, hazardous materials, laws, oil, pollution prevention, pumpout stations, sewage, spill reporting,, toxic chemicals
International Coastal Cleanup, Marine Debris Report
Audience: General Public
Abstract: Book form, available on the website as a PDF file. A marine debris report including an overview and the report, country participation and fact and figures.
Contact: Ocean Conservancy (formerly the Center for Marine Conservation)
Pollution Prevention Program
1725 DeSales Street, NW #500
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 429-5609
Marina Pollution Prevention Manual
Audience: Marina managers, dock masters and harbor masters.
Abstract: 30-pg. guide to developing a pollution prevention plan. Manual focuses on concepts and ideas that will be helpful in designing a custom pollution prevention plan for a recreational boating facility and advises working with regulatory authorities to ensure the plan meets their specific requirements. Contains 5 sections as well as 6 separate publications.
Contact: UC Sea Grant Extension Program
5555 Overland Ave., Ste. 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 694-2852
Most of their publications can be found at:
Keywords: Boat maintenance, environmental protection, hazardous materials, pollution prevention, sewage
Marine Reserves: A Guide to Science Design and Use
Audience: General Public
Abstract: Book form; “The book reviews the global experience with marine reserves and includes case studies from California, Belize, and the Bahamas. Together they provide background on the history of marine reserves, the processes by which they were created, and the impact the reserves have had on marine populations and the surrounding ecosystem as well as the impact on people in the community. These case studies, along with a review of marine reserves around the globe, make Marine Reserves an important reference for resource managers and policy makers” (ocean concervancy).
Contact: Ocean Conservancy (formerly the Center for Marine Conservation)
Pollution Prevention Program
1725 DeSales Street, NW #500
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 429-5609
Keywords: Marine Reserves
San Diego Bay Boaters Guide
Audience: Recreational Boaters, public
Abstract: Available on website in PDF format, 6 page booklet made of water repellant paper.
Contact: Unified Port of San Diego/
(619) 686-6200
Underwater Hull Cleaner's Best Management Practices
Audience: Underwater hull cleaners
Abstract: Pocket guide, describes underwater hull cleaning practices that are easy on the environment and the hull of the boat.
Contact: UC Sea Grant Extension Program
5555 Overland Ave., Ste. 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 694-2852
Most of their publications can be found at:
Keywords: Alternative cleaning tips, boat maintenance
Aqua SMART Activity Book For Kids
Audience: Children
Abstract: 24-page coloring-and-activities book on water and boating safety (in English or Spanish.)
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways
One Capitol Mall, Suite 410
Sacramento, CA 95814
(888) 326-2822
Children's Activity Book
Audience: Children from 4 to 8
Abstract: This activity book educates children about the delta and its protection
Contact: Keep Our Waters Clean Program
(916) 808-1400
Keep the Delta Clean Activity Book
Audience: Children 3 to 10
Abstract: The Activity book helps to educate children about how to protect the Delta and its precious resources.
Contact: Keep the Delta Clean Program
(925) 313-2023
Keep our Waters Clean Activity Book
Audience: Ages 4-8
Abstract: Activity book for children ages 4-8 fun and importance of clean waterways
Contact: Keep our Waters Clean Program
(916) 808-1400
OSPR – Activity book for kids “limited Copies”
Audience: Children from 3rd to 5th Grade
Abstract: Activity booklet for kids, including coloring material, crossword puzzles and word searches. Coloring book format.
Contact: Department of Fish & Wildlife
1807 13th St., Ste.104
Sacramento, CA 95811
Keywords: Oil spills and prevention
Changing Tides/ California Clean Boating Network Newsletter
Audience: Recreational Boaters, general Public
Abstract: Quarterly newsletter on clean boating
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways/Santa Monica Bay Restoration Foundation/Keep the Delta Clean/California Coastal Commission
45 Fremont St., Suite 2000
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 904-6905
Audience: General public
Abstract: Seasonal magazine which comes with a membership of at least 25$ to the Ocean Conservancy. It includes pictures and stories pertaining to the environment, wild and marine life as well as the water.
Contact: Ocean Conservancy (formerly the Center for Marine Conservation)
Pollution Prevention Program
1725 DeSales Street, NW #500
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 429-5609
Boaters Pump Out Map and Guide “Limited copies”
Audience: Recreational boaters, government-owned and private boating facilities with pumpout stations that are open to the public.
Abstract: Brochure, pub. 2007/2008, map and guide for all marina with pump outs and public restrooms. Includes lists of prices and hours of operation. Describe the Clean Vessel Act, why it is needed, and how it will help in regard to sewage from recreational boaters. Details the pollution threats in the San Francisco Bay Delta Estuary, MSD's, and the funding made available through the Clean Vessel Act. Includes other educational materials
Contact: San Francisco Estuary Project
1515 Play St., Ste 1400
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 622-2398
Keywords: Clean Vessel Act, funding, marine sanitation device, no-discharge area, pumpout stations, sewage toxic chemicals
Boaters Guide to Pumpouts – San Francisco Bay and Delta/ San Joaquin and Sacramento River Delta
Audience: Recreational Boaters and public
Abstract: Fold up map with good boat keeping tips. 9” x 4”, pub. 2009
Contact: The San Francisco Estuary Project,
1515 Play St., Ste 1400
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 622-2398
Big Bear Lake Waterways Map
Audience: Recreational Boaters and General Public
Abstract: Detailed map of Big Bear Lake depicting coves, marinas and other features. The backside of the map has a list of rule, regulations, contacts and recreational facilities.
Contact: Frank M. Nielsen
(951) 283-6277
California Delta
Audience: Recreational Boaters and General Public
Abstract: Map focuses on a complete map and guide of the San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers for boaters, fishermen and everybody who loves the California Delta.
Contact: Frank M. Nielsen
(951) 283-6277
Hal Schell’s Delta Map and Guide
Audience: Recreational boaters and general public
Abstract: Marina and resort locations in the Delta, fishing tips and guide listings, navigational information, house boat rentals, drawbridge listings, ferry details, Delta History and Annual events.
Contact: Schell’s Books
(916) 777-4041
Keep the Delta Clean Map
Audience: Recreational Boaters and the general public
Abstract: A map to help find environmental services within the central and southern areas of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Delta. These services are important for preventing pollution at its source to preserve the Delta’s water quality. This map is not intended for navigational purposes and is not a comprehensive map.
Contact: Keep the Delta Clean Program
(925) 313-2023
Mission Bay Guide & Waterways Map
Audience: Recreational Boaters and General Public
Abstract: Detailed map of all swim and boat areas, for all recreators. Side two has rules and regulations for everyone.
Contact: Frank M. Nielsen
(951) 283-6277
Newport Harbor & Upper Newport Bay Guide & Waterways
Audience: Recreational Boaters and General Public
Abstract: Detailed map of Newport harbor.
Contact: Frank M. Nielsen
(951) 283-6277
Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta Map for Recreational Boating
Audience: Recreational Boaters and the general public
Abstract: A map to help find environmental services within the central and southern areas of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Delta. These services are important for preventing pollution at its source to preserve the Delta’s water quality. This map is not intended for navigational purposes and is not a comprehensive map.
Contact: Keep the Delta Clean Program
(925) 313-2023
Sacramento Region – Waterways Map
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Boaters and recreational marinas, pumpouts, restrooms and oil recycling facilities throughout the Sacramento region.
Contact: Keep our Waters Clean Program
(916) 808-1400
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Atlas
Audience: Recreational boaters, anglers and the general public
Abstract: Map with concerns on waterways, agriculture, flood control, infrastructure and politics.
Contact: Department of Water Resources
P.O. Box 942836
Sacramento, CA 94236
(916) 653-1097
Online only:
San Francisco Clean Boating Map
Audience: Tides and Currents: Your Guide to Clean Green Boating
Abstract: Fold up map with information about marinas in the San Francisco Bay Area and their pollution prevention services.
Contact: City and County of San Francisco Department of the Environment (SFE), the California Division of Boating and Waterways (Cal Boating), and the California Coastal Commission’s (CCC) Boating Clean & Green Program
Cynthia Knowles SFE
(415) 355-3760
Vivian Matuk, Cal Boating & CCC
(415) 904-6905
Southeast Publications
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Custom 2 Sided Paper maps, full and limited color. You must order a custom version. For cost you must check with the contact.
Contact: Southeast Publications
4360 Peters Rd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317
(800) 832-3292
Southern California Boaters Guide
Audience: Recreational Boaters, public
Abstract: Spiral bound manual, 120 pages
Contact: Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission
320 West 4th St., Ste. 200
Los Angeles, CA 90013
(213) 576-6757
Striped Bass Fishing Map
Audience: Recreational boaters, and general public
Abstract: Recreational map for fishermen, including fishing sites and access points throughout the San Francisco Bay Delta system.
Contact: Department of Fish and Wildlife
1807 13th St., Ste.104
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 319-8911
The Delta (Suisun Bay, Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers)
Audience: Recreational Boaters, anglers and the general public
Abstract: Map Focuses on underwater topography charts for fishermen fishing locations and recreational facilities including boat launch ramps and navigational aid.
Contact: Fish-n-Map Company
(303) 421-5994
Save Our Seas Curriculum
Audience: Educators, K-12
Abstract: Curriculum that helps educators bring the message of conservation and stewardship to life with interactive activities. The SOS curriculum is designed for K-12th graders who have participated or will participate in a beach, shoreline, creek or waterway cleanup. The curriculum helps bridge the experience of cleaning a beach with the daily living of students and helps them see their connection to the marine environment. Activities are designed to inspire, challenge and delight learners of all ages to take better care of the oceans. Save Our Seas was designed with the Ocean Conservancy (formerly the Center for Marine Conservation) and has received statewide acclaim from teachers.
Contact: California Coastal Commission
Office of Public Affairs
45 Fremont St., Suite 2000
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 904-5216
Keywords: Debris, disposal, education, environmental protection, recycling
Shop Clean and Green
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Pop-up cardboard display, with pocket for wallet cards. No copies available. Artwork is included on a CD-Rom.
Contact: California Coastal Commission
45 Freemont St., Ste. 1920
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 904-6905
Keywords: Clean and green
Delta Clean Boating Posters
Audience: General public, recreational boaters
Abstract: Seven Delta posters that promote clean boating practices to ensure that safe and clean boating is part of the boaters’ experience enjoying the Delta.
Contact: Keep the Delta Clean Program
(925) 313-2023
Don’t Spread New Zealand Mudsnails
Audience: General Public and Recreational Boaters
Abstract: 12’’ x 18’’ (color), 11’’ x 17’’ (black and white) Poster of the threat that mudsnails have, and what you can do to help the spread. Contact: California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Contact: Department of Fish and Wildlife
1416 9th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 445-0411
Make Everyday A Clean Boating Day!
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: 18” X 12” poster
Contact: UC Sea Grant Extension Program
5555 Overland Ave., Ste. 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 694-2852
Most of the publications can be found at:
Keywords: Clean Boating
Statewide Clean Boating Posters
Audience: General public, marinas, recreational boaters and anglers
Abstract: Five posters that promote clean boating practices to ensure that safe and clean boating is part of the boaters’ experience enjoying California waterways.
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways/California Coastal Commission
45 Fremont St., Ste. 1920
San Francisco, CA 94105
1-(800) COAST4U
Stop Aquatic Invaders on Our Coast!/Detanga el Transporte de Especies Invasoras Acuticas en Nuestras Costas!
Audience: Recreational Boaters, Marina and Yacht Club Managers, State and Federal Agencies, Port and Harbor Authorities
Abstract: This bilingual poster explains problems caused by hull-borne invasive species and how to reduce the risk of transporting them on recreational boat hulls. Colorful photos of invasive species will help boaters identify them and report them to the appropriate agencies.
Contact: UC Sea Grant Extension Program
5555 Overland Ave., Ste. 4101
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 694-2852
Most of the publications can be found at:
Keywords: invasive species, hull transport prevention, recreational boats
Cal Tip
Audience: Recreational Boaters/ general public
Abstract: 3" X 3" round sticker stating Protect the wild life. Showing dangers of pollution and oil spills.
Contact: Department of Fish and Wildlife
1807 13th St., Ste.104
Sacramento, CA 95811
Key words: Oil spill prevention, pollution prevention
Clean Boater Pledge
Audience: General Public (Limited numbers available)
Abstract: 4” X 5” sticker
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways/California Coastal Commission
45 Freemont St., Ste. 1920
San Francisco, CA 94105
(800) COAST4U
Fuel Spill Prevention / Fuel Dock Sign (Limited numbers available)
Audience: Public
Abstract: aluminum, 18” x 24”, art included on enclosed CD Rom
Contact: California Coastal Commission
45 Freemont St., Ste. 1920
San Francisco, CA 94105
(800) COAST4U
Boat Clean and Green (Limited numbers available)
Audience: Recreational Boaters
Abstract: Plastic card, size of a credit card. No copies available. Artwork included on a CD-Rom.
Contact: California Coastal Commission
45 Freemont St., Ste. 1920
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 904-6905
Key words: Clean Boating
San Francisco Bay Fish Postcard
Audience: General Public
Abstract: This 5.5 by 8.5 inch postcard provides information on the San Francisco Bay fish advisory and how to safely fish, cook, and consume fish caught in San Francisco Bay
Contact: California Department of Public Health
Environmental Health Investigations Branch
850 Marina Bay Parkway
Building P, 3rd Floor
Richmond, CA 94804
(510) 620-3620
Tides and Currents: Your Guide to Clean Green Boating
Audience: General public and recreational boaters
Abstract: Tidebooks for Northern and Southern CA, includes guide to locations of environmental services at marinas (oil and sewage). It can be customized on the back cover for you. There is a cost but you must check with the publisher.
Contact: California Division of Boating and Waterways/Santa Monica Bay Restoration Foundation/Keep the Delta Clean/ California Coastal Commission/ and the Tidebook Company
45 Fremont St., Ste. 1920
San Francisco, CA 94105
1-(800) COAST4U
Publisher: The Tidebook Company
(415) 777-9257
Last updated July 2013.