CSMW Public and Agency Outreach
In 2004, CSMW began development of their Sediment Master Plan (SMP) through a series of public workshops and meetings with local, county and regional government agencies within coastal portions of the state. These SMP Conceptualization workshops were an opportunity to share the project plan and goals with the public, gather information on local sedimentation and shoreline erosion problems, determine local issues of concern, identify local sediment management-related activities, and identify coordination and data sharing opportunities with local government and groups. Comments received at each of these meetings were carefully considered during development of the SMP; they have been preserved and are available through various links below.
SMP Conceptualization Workshops
Eight public/agency workshops were held from February through June 2004, in order to collect public and local agency input that would contribute to a robust and inclusive Sediment Master Plan. These regions and associated input include:
San Diego Region
Orange County Region
Los Angeles Region
Santa Barbara/Ventura Counties Region
Monterey Bay Region
San Francisco Bay Area Region
Humboldt/Del Norte County Region
Coastal RSM Plan Outreach
Based on CSMWs mission, objectives and input obtained from the SMP Conceptualization Workshops, a Coastal Regional Sediment Management Plan (CRSMP or Coastal RSM Plan) program was developed. Its intent was to cover as much of the California coastline as time and resources allowed. Dividing the California coastline into segments for planning purposes was a procedural adjustment that reflected Conceptualization Workshop recommendations, as each region had unique issues of concern.
CSMW developed working relationships with regional planning partners within each of the eleven coastline portions characterized under this program. The regional partner helped CSMW develop a Stakeholder Advisory Group (typically interested or affected agencies) as well as a public outreach program to ensure that each Coastal RSM Plan addressed local issues of concern.
Outreach efforts for each coastal region typically included workshops:
- early on in Plan development, in order to introduce the plan and obtain early thoughts on how to focus the Plan on local issues;
- midway through the process, to check in with constituents and fine tune compilation efforts, and;
- upon completion of the draft final report, to provide for stakeholder input prior to the Plan’s finalization.
Each Coastal RSM Plan, available on the Coastal RSM Plan page, identifies more specifically outreach efforts for that region.
From 2014 through 2016, as completion of the Coastal RSM Plan process approached, CSMW began revisiting Coastal RSM Plan regions, hosting six public and agency workshops. Their purpose was to:
- share information gained from the Coastal RSM Plan program to date
- obtain input and insights on how to implement RSM recommendations contained within the various Plans, and
- begin the process of combining all the plans into a cohesive, statewide culmination of the SMP
CSMW presentations and stakeholder input are detailed below.
Presentations by CSMW representatives are contained in the following links:
Workshop minutes and stakeholder input for individual Workshops are contained in the following links:
Stakeholder Contact Information
A Public Outreach Contact List (POCL) was compiled over the duration of the SMP process, as a means to identify and keep interested parties apprised of significant SMP and Coastal RSM Plan developments. The list was originally populated with parties identified through the SMP Conceptualization workshops. The lists, specific to each Coastal RSM Plan region, were then updated that region’s Stakeholder Advisory Group. The list was then supplemented with attendees at the SMP Implementation workshops.
Additionally, interested parties were identified through CSMWs “New Contact Form” available on this website. Contact information for key CSMW personnel is also provided on this website.