Find the Closest Participating Sewage Pumpout, Dumpstation, and Floating Restrooms NOW!

California has over 1,100 miles of coastline, hundreds of navigable rivers and lakes, and one of the highest levels of recreational boating in the nation. Increased outdoor activity means boating-related pollutants can enter aquatic environments, potentially impacting our waterways and human health. Given the large number of recreation boats in the state, even a small amount of sewage from a fraction of boats can be harmful. The Pumpout Nav app is a new tool to help boaters keep our waters healthy and clean.

“Pumpout Nav” is a free iOS and Android mobile app that shows you where the nearest sewage pumpout, dump station and floating restrooms are located. The app shows nearest pumpouts to your location on a map or list its status. How does it work? If all is well, a pumpout will appear as a green place marker and once you tap on the marker, the station will read “operational.”

Pumpout Nav Mobile App

Android App on Google Play

Download on the Apple Store

The app is designed to empower you, the boater, to report if there is a problem with the pumpout! It is easy and intuitive: just click on a sad face icon to report a non-operational pumpout in real-time. A series of press and report icons—“no power,” “low vacuum,” “leaking,” “broken parts,” and “no access”—offer convenient ways to flag problems. You can also enter a specific description of the problem and/or upload images.

The app also provides boater information and marina tracking access. You can get pumpout cost and hours, the exact location within the marina, and access to educational information such as guidance on how and why to pumpout. Marina operators can track pumpout usage data and post updates. There are over 200 boating facilities in the App now with about 240 pumpout stations.

The app was first developed by California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways’ (DBW) Clean Vessel Act (CVA) Program in partnership with the San Francisco Estuary Partnership and The Bay Foundation (funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund) for boaters in the San Francisco Bay/Delta and Southern California regions. It has been picked up by CVA programs in other states. Boaters in Oregon, Washington, Florida, Rhode Island, and along Lake Champlain in the New York/Vermont/Quebec region can now find the location of publicly accessible pumpouts in their areas as well. Other organizations have said they are excited to get on board.

To download the Free Pumpout Nav App simply go to your the Apple App Store or Google Play and look for Pumpout Nav App

Pumpout Nav

Choice of waste disposal type: Floating Restroom, Dump Station, or Pumpout StationBay Area Pumpout Locations shown on a mapChoice of waste disposal type: Floating Restroom, Dump Station, or Pumpout Station

Example of a pumpout station on the Pumpout Nav App Example of a pumpout station on the Pumpout Nav AppList of pumpout stations in the Bay Area

SF Estuary Partnership SOBA 2019

Credit: Lynda Richardson, Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries

California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways’ (DBW) Clean Vessel Act (CVA) Program, the San Francisco Estuary Partnership and The Bay Foundation, receiving the 2019 States Organization for Boating Access (SOBA) for Outstanding Service Award from SOBA President (center) (Preston Smith, Environmental Health Coordinator, Marina Programs Manager, Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Health).