Welcome to the California Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) safety and education page!  The Division relies on partnerships with several organizations (educational institutions, aquatic centers, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and the U.S. Power Squadrons) to provide boating safety education. If you are a first-time boater or if you just want to learn the latest "rules of the road", this page will help make your boating activities safe and enjoyable.

ABCs of California Boating
Learn about California's boating laws, regulations for equipment, rules of the road, etc.

Boating Accident Statistics

Courses / Classes
Explore the opportunities for correspondence, classroom and on-the-water boating safety education.

Educational Outreach to Children
DBW offers teachers and parents a complimentary K-12 boating safety curriculum, statewide poster contest, and a boating and water safety puppet show.

Fact Sheets

Float Plan
File a float plan with a reliable person who will notify authorities, if necessary.

Life Jackets
Knowing how to swim does not make you drown-proof. Find out California's life jackets laws, what type of life jacket to use and how to properly choose one.

Non-Motorized Boating
Find out how to safely operate a non-motorized boat, and about the laws and regulations regarding this type of recreational activity.

Outreach Campaigns
DBW manages media campaigns to raise boaters' awareness of safety and environmental concerns. Help us spread the messages.