Coastal Sediment Management Workgroup

Welcome to CSMWs website! Our collaborative taskforce of state, federal and local/regional entities, concerned about adverse impacts of coastal erosion and excess sedimentation on coastal habitats, is working towards implementation of Regional Sediment Management (RSM) in order to augment or restore natural processes. Our urbanizing society has significantly changed natural sediment supply and transport patterns (e.g., dams, channelized rivers, seawalls, etc.), with the result that some coastal areas (e.g., beaches) are narrowing due to reduced sediment supply, while others (e.g., wetlands, ports & harbors) are being impacted with excess sediment. Facilitating beneficial use of clean sediment from inundated locations at areas experiencing severe erosion is the essence of RSM.
Sediment is an integral component of the coastal ecosystem, representing a public good that must be managed to provide for quality of life, natural resource protection, and economic sustainability. Sediment imbalances resulting from alteration of the natural environment therefore threaten the viability of the public good and require management to restore the natural balance. Coordinated beneficial use of sediment resources within a regional context augments natural processes while simultaneously addressing sediment imbalances.
CSMW is developing a coastal "Sediment Master Plan" (SMP) to help guide political, regulatory, environmental, educational and process-related efforts anticipated when implementing RSM. Coastal sediment imbalance problems and CSMWs "road to solutions" are discussed in our brochure "Why a SMP is needed". The SMP Baseline Report 2006 describes the initial SMP development process and CSMW priorities, while the SMP Status Report 2009 and SMP Status Report 2012 documents provide cumulative progress reporting of CSMW and SMP activities to date. The SMP consists of three types of products produced during Plan development- informational reports, computer-based tools, and RSM strategies/Plans. Outreach and agency coordination provide the fourth and overarching Plan focus.
Currently, CSMWs main thrust for SMP development is regionally-based RSM strategy plans. We are working with regional entities towards implementation of RSM within their jurisdictional area through Coastal RSM Plans or CRSMPs. These Plans identify how governance, outreach and technical approaches can support beneficial use of sediment resources within that region without causing environmental degradation or public nuisance. CSMW is hosting a series of ‘Implementation Workshops’ in regions where a CRSMP has been completed in order to gain insight from stakeholders on implementation strategies across coastal California. Informational documents, computer-based tools (including web browser and associated spatial database) and RSM strategies and Plans are linked to within the column to your right and on our Library page.
Information on the various coastal sediment-related programs of CSMW member agencies is available, as are CSMW meeting minutes since 2003. Our outreach program has included workshops, development of and mailings to our Public Outreach Contact List, and is part of each Coastal RSM Plan development. Comments received to date from our public outreach activities can be viewed by workshop/region location.
We encourage you to contact us. Please direct technical issues to the CSMW Project Manager. Policy or procedure related questions can be directed to the CSMW co-chairs. A questionnaire may assist in identifying your concerns. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please fill out the New Contact form.