Facilities Division

DBW plans and develops boating facilities in environmentally acceptable areas with priority on developing or expanding facilities where the greatest needs exist. To accomplish this, the division:
Grants funds to cities, counties, and other governmental agencies, including the Federal Government, for the planning and construction of small craft harbors, and provides loans to small businesses for the development of recreational marina facilities.
Loans funds to cities, counties, and other governmental agencies for the planning and construction of small craft harbors and provides loans to businesses for the development of recreational marina facilities.
Reviews lease documents for concessionaires in compliance with the Harbors and Navigation Code to ensure that State loans can be epaid.
Plans, designs, finances, and constructs boating facilities throughout the State Park System, at State Water Project reservoirs, and on other State lands.
Boating facility projects are funded by boater fuel taxes and by repayment of principal and interest on outstanding small craft harbor loans.
DBW Vessel Pumpout Information
Facility Grants and Loans
Boat Launching Facilities - Design Handbook (Main, Appendix A, B1, B2, C1, C2)
Marina Berthing Facilities - Design Guidelines
ADA – ABA Accessibility Guidelines