The Coastal Regional Sediment Management Plan (CRSMP or Plan) for the San Francisco Littoral Cell (SFLC) has been prepared for coastal beach erosion and other sediment-related issues within the Plan boundary. The coastal extent covered by the CRSMP extends from the Golden Gate to Point San Pedro and includes the communities of San Francisco, Daly City, and Pacifica. The SFLC Plan’s objective is to help coastal government entities, municipalities, stakeholders, and communities develop feasible strategies for beneficial reuse of sediments to address coastal erosion and storm damage. The Plan provides information for local and regional coastal decision makers to develop policies and execute management sub-plans for the future vitality of beaches and shoreline areas throughout the littoral cell.

Specific San Francisco Littoral Cell CRSMP objectives include:

  • Develop potential strategies to restore and maintain coastal beaches and address critical erosion hotspots
  • Reduce the proliferation of protective shoreline structures
  • Sustain recreation and tourism
  • Enhance public safety and access
  • Restore coastal sandy habitats throughout the littoral cell
  • Address areas with excessive sediment

Tasks completed as part of Plan preparation include:

  • Extensive stakeholder outreach and coordination using a local Stakeholder Advisory Group to ensure that local issues are identified and addressed,
  • Collection of pertinent data related to:
    • physical processes (e.g., waves and currents)
    • economic impacts (e.g., tourism, beach use, potential funding streams)
    • sediments (e.g., types, potential sources, needs, locations, quantities, dredging statistics)
    • environmental concerns (e.g., critical species and habitats),
  • Preparation and compilation of relevant spatial layers for Inclusion of this data into CSMW’s GIS database such that visualization and ease of use by coastal decision makers is facilitated,
  • Extensive outreach focused on Identification of an appropriate governance structure for the littoral cell to take on issues related to Plan implementation, and
  • Incorporation of strategies into a Coastal RSM Plan specific to the San Francisco and San Mateo coastlines.

A Public Review Draft of the SFLC CRSMP was released in early 2016. A robust response from the community was received, and CSMW worked to address the comments received. A spreadsheet identifying comments received and how they were addressed was included as an appendix to the final report.