Coastal RSM Plan Development, Eureka Littoral Cell
The Eureka Littoral Cell Coastal RSM Plan covering the coastal region from Trinidad to Cape False Cape, including Humboldt Bay, is under development. The Plan’s objective is to assist government entities, municipalities, stakeholders, and communities develop strategies for beneficial reuse of locally-acquired sediments to address coastal erosion and storm damage. The Plan will provide sufficient information for local and regional coastal decision makers to develop policies and execute management sub-plans for the future vitality of beaches and shoreline areas throughout the littoral cell.. Tasks to be completed as part of Plan preparation include:
- Stakeholder outreach and coordination to ensure that local issues are addressed,
- Collection of pertinent data related to:
- physical processes (e.g., waves and currents,
- economic impacts (e.g., tourism, beach and bay use, potential funding streams, etc.),
- sediment (e.g., types, potential sources, needs, locations, quantities, dredging statistics etc.), and
- environmental concerns (e.g., critical species and habitats)
- Preparation and compilation of spatial layers to include these data into CSMWs GIS database for visualization and use by coastal decision makers,
- Identification of and recommendations for techniques to address governance issues related to Plan implementation, and
- Incorporation of strategies into a Coastal RSM Plan specific to the Eureka Littoral Cell and Humboldt Bay
The Eureka Littoral Cell Coastal RSM Plan kickoff meeting was held in Eureka on 27 July 2010, and several stakeholder meetings have occurred since then to obtain input. A draft for public review is currently being prepared addressing CSMW and stakeholder comments on the administrative draft, and is expected to be available by summer 2013. The Plan will culminate in the drafting and release of a final report by December 2013. Information presented at the kickoff and outreach meetings is available through links to your right.
CSMWs regional partner for the Coastal RSM Plan is Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation, and Conservation District (contact: Dan Berman) who’s responsibility is to ensure that the Plan adequately reflects the needs of the region. CSMW's point of contact is John Dingler of the San Francisco District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Clif Davenport, CSMWs Project Manager can also be contacted for general information.
Please check back often as ongoing activities and Plan developments will periodically be posted on this website.