2003 Commission News
The California Boating and Waterways Commission will meet on January 8, 2004, to consider approval of a $153,000 Department of Boating and Waterways boating launching facility grant project. The meeting is scheduled to convene at 8:30 a.m. in the Feather River Room at the Department of Boating and Waterways, 2000 Evergreen Street, Suite 100, in Sacramento. Details of the proposed project follow:
Kern County - Lake Ming Boat Launching Facility
The County of Kern has applied for a $153,000 grant to for the first phase of a proposed $1,526,000 improvement project at the boat launching facility at Lake Ming, located 10 miles northeast of Bakersfield. The project will include the replacement of two two-lane concrete boat launching ramps; replacement of the existing boarding floats and docks with four new pile-guided boarding floats; a new four-unit handicapped-accessible restroom building; resurfacing of two parking areas; and lighting.
Department loans require the consent of the seven-member Boating and Waterways Commission, appointed by the Governor. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.
At a meeting today in Sacramento, the California Boating and Waterways Commission approved five Department of Boating and Waterways boating facility loan and grant projects:
Alamed a County - San Leandro Marina Boat Launching Facility
A $184,000 grant to the City of San Leandro for improvements to the San Leandro Marina boat launching facility, to include the demolition of the pier and parking area and the construction of a new two-lane concrete boat launching ramp and two new boarding floats; a turnaround area, ready lane, and wash-down area; a 65-space vehicle/trailer parking lot; a two-unit restroom; two concrete brows; piling; and utilities.
Los Angeles County - Alamitos Bay Marina, Basin 1
A $1,250,000 loan to the City of Long Beach for the first phase of a proposed $12,105,000 project, to include the demolition of existing berths and the construction of 162 new berths; concrete piling; dockside utilities; dredging; gangways; new restroom/showers; and new and refurbished parking areas.
Riverside County - Lake Elsinore Boat Launching Facility
An $817,000 grant to the City of Lake Elsinore for improvements to the Lake Elsinore boat launching facility, including the construction of a new six-lane concrete boat launching ramp with three boarding floats; a launching ramp apron and staging area; and a 288-space vehicle/trailer parking area, service area, four-unit restroom, boat washdown area, fish cleaning station, vessel pumpout system, and landscaping and lighting.
Sacramento County - Sacramento Marina, South Basin
An $850,000 loan to the City of Sacramento for the first phase of funding for a $6,200,000 project for improvements to the Sacramento Marina, including the demolition of all but 30 existing berths, which will be extended, and the construction of a reconfigured system of 171 berths, gangways, berth covers, a restroom, utilities, dredging, and a fuel system.
Sacramento County - Fair Oaks Boat Launching Facility
A $572,000 grant to the Sacramento County Department of Parks, Recreation and Open Space, for improvements to the Fair Oaks boat launching facility, including the removal of the existing boat launching ramp; filling and stabilizing the ramp area and banks; construction of a new one-lane concrete boat launching ramp with a steel footing; refurbishment of the existing parking area; and construction of a turnaround area, walkways, a picnic area, a two-unit restroom, landscaping, irrigation, and signs.
Department loans require the consent of the seven-member Boating and Waterways Commission, appointed by the Governor. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.
At a meeting yesterday in Sacramento, the California Boating and Waterways Commission approved five Department of Boating and Waterways boating facility loan and grant projects. The approved projects are:
El Dorado County - Sly Park Recreation Area Boat Launching Facility
A $489,000 grant to the El Dorado Irrigation District for an improvement project to include site preparation, excavation/compaction, paving and striping the parking area, parking area drainage, two new restrooms, a stairway, a fish-cleaning station, utilities and signs.
Nevada County - Cascade Shores Boat Launching Facility
An $804,000 grant to the Nevada Irrigation District for improvements to include site preparation, demolition, construction of a one-lane boat launching ramp, a boarding float, refurbishing the parking area, a restroom, a walkway, slope protection, drainage, utilities, a retaining wall, an automated gate entrance, and ancillary items.
Placer County - Tahoe Vista Boat Launching Facility
A $944,000 grant to the North Tahoe Public Utility District for improvements to include demolition of a sewer pump station, installation of three boarding floats and a gangway, refurbishing an existing parking area, repaving of a newly acquired parking area, walkways, surface drainage, restroom, lighting and landscaping.
San Diego County - National City Marina
A loan of $5,669,000 to the San Diego Unified Port District for the third phase of department funding totaling $11 million for an $18,214,000 project, including the construction of a 229-berth marina, gangways, a 192-space parking area, a harbormaster's building, a restroom, dock utilities, a fuel dock, slope protection, security gates, public access pathways, landscaping, irrigation, signs and ancillary items. The commission previously approved a $1,300,000 loan in FY 2000-01 and a $4,031,000 loan in January of 2003 for this project. The port district and City of National City are contributing the remaining funding for the project.
San Joaquin County - Stockton Waterfront Marina
A $3 million loan to the City of Stockton for the third phase of department funding totaling $13,300,000, for a $17,720,000 project to include the demolition of existing berths and the construction of 164 uncovered and 134 covered berths, new piling, 12 gangways, construction/repaving parking for 375 spaces, a 150-space drystack building at the adjacent Morelli Park Boat Launching Facility, dockside electrical, fire, water and communications utilities, six security gates, and catch basins/drainage.
Department loans require the consent of the seven-member Boating and Waterways Commission, appointed by the Governor. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.
At a meeting today in Sacramento, the California Boating and Waterways Commission today approved $22,506,000 in Department of Boating and Waterways loans and grants to improve boating facilities. The approved projects include:
Alameda County - Berkeley Marina
A $3,200,000 loan to the City of Berkeley for the final phase of a $7,000,000 project for improvements to the Berkeley Marina.
The project includes the demolition and replacement of Docks A-E along the north side of the marina basin. The existing 30-40 year old wooden docks and wood piles will be replaced with a new barrier-free marina berthing system and concrete piles. New utilities, including electrical power and water, will also be installed. In addition, four existing restroom buildings will be replaced with barrier-free restroom facilities.
Los Angeles County - Alamitos Bay - Basin 4
A $6,250,000 loan to the City of Long Beach to complete the final phase of an $8,250,000 project to improve Basin 4 on Alamitos Bay.
The improvements will include dredging the marina, demolishing the existing berths and constructing new concrete berths, repaving the existing 329-vehicle parking area, and constructing a new four-unit restroom.
In addition, the Commission approved $13,056,000 in second-phase funding for previously approved loan and grant projects:
Boat Launching Facility/ Sponsor | Grant 2003-04 | Previous Grants/ Fiscal Year | Commission Action | Current Total of Grants |
Alviso Marina Co. Park BLF Phase II County of Santa Clara | $2,600,000 | $304,000 Phase IFY 2002/03 | June 2003 Sacramento | $2,904,000 |
Black Point BLF Phase II County of Marin | $702,000 | $80,000 Phase I FY 2002/03 | March 2003 Sacramento | $782,000 |
Buckley Cove BLF Phase II City of Stockton | $928,000 | $100,000 Phase I FY 2002/03 | November 2002 Monterey | $1,028,000 |
Camp Far West North Recreation Area BLF Phase II South Sutter Water District | $1,418,000 | $140,000 Phase I FY 2002/03 | September 2002 South Lake Tahoe | $1,558,000 |
Canyon Dam BLF Phase II USDA Forest Service | $510,000 | $150,000 Phase I FY 2002/03 | September 2002 South Lake Tahoe | $660,000 |
Cottage Creek BLF Phase II Yuba County Water Agency | $760,000 | $85,000 Phase I FY 2002/03 | September 2002 South Lake Tahoe | $845,000 |
Crescent City Harbor BLF Phase II Crescent City Harbor District | $740,000 | $85,000 Phase I FY 2002/03 | March 2003 Sacramento | $825,000 |
Cuttings Wharf BLF Phase II (of III) County of Napa | $708,000 | $80,000 Phase I FY 2002/03 | March 2003 Sacramento | $985,000 |
Jack Smith Park BLF Phase II City of Needles | $1,500,000 | $174,000 Phase I FY 2002/03 | November 2002 Monterey | $1,674,000 |
South Harbor BLF Phase II Santa Cruz Port District | $1,900,000 | $264,000 Phase I FY 2002/03 | November 2002 Monterey | $2,164,000 |
Marina/ Sponsor | Loan 2003-04 | Previous Loans/ Fiscal Year | Commission Action | Current Total of Loans |
Sun Harbor Marina Phase II Sun Harbor Marina | $1,290,500 | $1,875,000 Phase I FY 2002/03 | June 2003 Sacramento | $3,165,000 |
TOTAL Grants & Loans | $13,056,500 |
Department loans require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.
The California Boating and Waterways Commission today approved three Department of Boating and Waterways loan projects and one grant project for improvements to boating facilities around the state. The approved projects are:
Contra Costa County - Orwood Resort Marina
A $1,071,000 Department of Boating and Waterways loan to Orwood Resort, Inc., was approved, for improvements to the Orwood Resort Marina, located in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta near Brentwood.
The proposed project includes the construction of 153 dry storage units for boats, grading and paving of the site, utilities, a fire suppression/security system, and storm drainage.
Monterey County - Breakwater Cove Marina
A $265,000 Department loan to Monterey Bay Boatworks Co. Ltd. was approved, for a project to reconfigure the Breakwater Cove Marina fueling dock. The project will provide safer egress and ingress for larger craft as well as a safe maneuvering area for craft using the adjacent boat launching ramp.
San Diego County - Sun Harbor Marina
A Department loan of $1,875,000 to Sun Harbor Marina was approved, the first-phase of a proposed $3,165,000 project to improve the marina, located in northwestern San Diego Bay in San Diego.
The proposed project will include the construction of new berths, a marina building, a promenade, and storage lockers; repaving the parking area; repairing a seawall; and adding landscaping.
Santa Clara County - Alviso Marina County Park Boat Launching Facility
A Department grant of $304,000 to the County of Santa Clara was approved for the first phase of a $2,208,000 project to improve the Alviso Marina County Park Boat Launching Facility.
The proposed project will include dredging of the new boat launching ramp basin; construction of a new two-lane concrete boat launching ramp and boarding float, a new parking area, an access road, surface drainage, and slope protection; and extension of electrical power lines to the parking area; installation of security lighting for the ramp and parking area; and wetland mitigation and monitoring.
Department loans and grants require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.
At a meeting today in Sacramento, the California Boating and Waterways Commission was unable to summon a quorum, required in order to vote on three loan projects and one grant project proposed by the Department of Boating and Waterways for improvements to boating facilities around the state. The project vote is now tentatively scheduled to take place at a public meeting on June 9, at the Department of Boating and Waterways, 2000 Evergreen Street, Suite 100, in Sacramento.
During today's meeting, Department of Boating and Waterways Director Raynor Tsuneyoshi conducted a presentation of awards.
The Officer of the Year award was presented to G. Scott Miller, who has been an active peace officer with the Ventura Harbor Patrol for the past twenty years. He is also active in the California Boating Safety Officers Association, having served as the organization's Vice President and President in the past. He was also honored for his boating safety educational outreach work and as editor of CBSOA's The Beacon newsletter.
The National Water Safety Congress Award was presented to two Californians, Cindi Dulgar and Phil Smith. Cindi Dulgar is Operations Manager and Youth Programs Director at the California State University at Sacramento's Aquatic Center at Lake Natomas. Cindi was honored for her 10 years of instruction at the center, her use of the Department of Boating and Waterways' AquaSMART materials in the center's aquatic safety programs for children, and her assistance with various outreach programs and projects of the department.
Phil Smith, Area Ranger with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, received a National Water Safety Congress Award for his efforts to decrease the incidence of drowning deaths at lakes in his jurisdiction through partnering with the Department of Boating and Waterways to distribute safety educational materials to lake visitors and to provide for the local airing of both English- and Spanish-language aquatic safety television PSA's. His efforts resulted in a decrease in fatalities at local Corps lakes last year.
Two Boating and Waterways Education Unit staff members received National Boating Educational Advancement Awards. Gloria Sandoval received a First Place award for overseeing the development of Spanish-language editions of Department of Boating and Waterways boating safety brochures. In an effort to reach the increasing population of Hispanic Californians with aquatic safety information, she had a number of the Department's most popular publications translated into Spanish, including brochures on life jackets, hunting and fishing, personal watercraft, and AquaSMART program materials.
Gloria shared a second First Place award with Phaedra Bota for the 10th annual Safe and Wise Water Ways Poster Contest. The contest was designed to teach aquatic safety lessons to California students in grades K-8, who are then invited to enter artwork based on the lessons in the contest. The winning entries are featured on a poster-style calendar distributed by the Department.
Jana Clarke received First Place in the International Water Safety Summit's 2003 Media Contest for the Department of Boating and Waterways' outdoor billboards, posters, and bumper stickers. As part of the Department's statewide outdoor campaign for safety, safety signs are placed at the state's top waterways for boating accidents, reminding boaters to Boat Smart! and to go to the Department's www.boatsmarter.com Website for more information.
Two instructors with the Department's POST-certified classes for boating law enforcement officers were honored:
Jim Mraz is retiring as an instructor having taught the Department's Basic Boating Safety and Enforcement class for the last 18 years. His 30 years of law enforcement experience provided great leadership to the hundreds of marine patrol officers he came in contact with while specializing in the areas of Noise Enforcement, Boating Intoxication Enforcement, and Operational Law.
Wes Dodd is reducing his class load after 11 years teaching Basic Boating Safety and Enforcement for Vessel Registration, Vessel Theft, Vessel Accident Investigation, and Operational Law. He remains as the lead instructor for the Vessel Accident Investigation and Reconstruction class.
The held-over boating facility projects are:
Contra Costa County - Orwood Resort Marina
Orwood Resort, Inc., has applied to the Department of Boating and Waterways for a $1,071,000 loan for improvements to the Orwood Resort Marina, located in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta near Brentwood.
The proposed project includes the construction of 153 dry storage units for boats, grading and paving of the site, utilities, a fire suppression/security system, and storm drainage.
Monterey County - Breakwater Cove Marina
Monterey Bay Boatworks Co. Ltd., has applied to the Department for a loan of $265,000 for a project to reconfigure the Breakwater Cove Marina fueling dock. The project will provide safer egress and ingress for larger craft as well as a safe maneuvering area for craft using the adjacent boat launching ramp.
San Diego County - Sun Harbor Marina
Sun Harbor Marina has applied to the Department for a first-phase loan of $1,875,000 for a proposed $3,165,000 project to improve the marina, located in northwestern San Diego Bay in San Diego.
The proposed project will include the construction of new berths, a marina building, a promenade, and storage lockers; repaving the parking area; repairing a seawall; and adding landscaping.
Santa Clara County - Alviso Marina County Park Boat Launching Facility
The County of Santa Clara has applied to the Department of Boating and Waterways for a first-phase grant of $304,000 for a $2,208,000 project to improve the Alviso Marina County Park Boat Launching Facility.
The proposed project will include dredging of the new boat launching ramp basin; construction of a new two-lane concrete boat launching ramp and boarding float, a new parking area, an access road, surface drainage, and slope protection; and extension of electrical power lines to the parking area; installation of security lighting for the ramp and parking area; and wetland mitigation and monitoring.
Department loans and grants require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.
The California Boating and Waterways Commission will meet on May 29 in Sacramento to consider approval of three Department of Boating and Waterways loan projects and one grant project for improvements to boating facilities around the state. The meeting is set to convene at 9:15 am at the Hilton Sacramento Arden West, 2000 Harvard Street. The proposed projects are:
Contra Costa County - Orwood Resort Marina
Orwood Resort, Inc., has applied to the Department of Boating and Waterways for a $1,071,000 loan for improvements to the Orwood Resort Marina, located in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta near Brentwood.
The proposed project includes the construction of 153 dry storage units for boats, grading and paving of the site, utilities, a fire suppression/security system, and storm drainage.
Monterey County - Breakwater Cove Marina
Monterey Bay Boatworks Co. Ltd., has applied to the Department for a loan of $265,000 for a project to reconfigure the Breakwater Cove Marina fueling dock. The project will provide safer egress and ingress for larger craft as well as a safe maneuvering area for craft using the adjacent boat launching ramp.
San Diego County - Sun Harbor Marina
Sun Harbor Marina has applied to the Department for a first-phase loan of $1,875,000 for a proposed $3,165,000 project to improve the marina, located in northwestern San Diego Bay in San Diego.
The proposed project will include the construction of new berths, a marina building, a promenade, and storage lockers; repaving the parking area; repairing a seawall; and adding landscaping.
Santa Clara County - Alviso Marina County Park Boat Launching Facility
The County of Santa Clara has applied to the Department of Boating and Waterways for a first-phase grant of $304,000 for a $2,208,000 project to improve the Alviso Marina County Park Boat Launching Facility.
The proposed project will include dredging of the new boat launching ramp basin; construction of a new two-lane concrete boat launching ramp and boarding float, a new parking area, an access road, surface drainage, and slope protection; and extension of electrical power lines to the parking area; installation of security lighting for the ramp and parking area; and wetland mitigation and monitoring.
Department loans and grants require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.
At a meeting today in Sacramento, the California Boating and Waterways Commission approved four Department of Boating and Waterways grant projects for improvements to boating facilities around the state. The approved projects are:
Butte County - Feather River
The Feather River Recreation and Park District has applied to the Department of Boating and Waterways for a $917,000 grant for improvements to the West Park/Riverbend boat launching facility.
The project includes dewatering the site; replacing the existing ramp and apron with a new two-lane concrete boat launching ramp and apron; installing two boarding floats; constructing a new paved access road, parking area, sidewalk, and restroom; upgrading the sewer and electrical systems; and installing a fish-cleaning station, irrigation, landscaping, shade ramadas, picnic tables, and a project sign.
Del Norte County - Crescent City Harbor Boat Launching Facility
The Crescent City Harbor District has applied to the Department for a first-phase grant of $85,000 for the construction of a proposed $825,000 project to renovate the Crescent City Harbor Boat Launching Facility. The project entails the replacement of the existing boat launching facility with a new two-lane concrete ramp, new boarding floats and gangway, a new barrier-free-access restroom; repairs to the east-side entrance breakwater; the construction of a new barrier-free access fish-cleaning station; extending the water and electrical service; and installing new lighting in the parking area.
Marin County - Petaluma River, Black Point Boat Launching Facility
The County of Marin has applied to the Department for a first-phase grant of $80,000 for a proposed $782,000 project to replace the boat launching facility at Black Point in Novato, on the Petaluma River.
The proposed project will include dredging; replacing the existing boat launching facility with a new concrete ramp and boarding float; repaving the parking area and resurfacing a median; installing a new restroom and fish-cleaning station; constructing a stairway, pay station, information kiosk and drainage; adding a boat washdown area, picnic tables, railroad-tie retaining walls with steps, a power distribution system, landscaping, signage, and lighting; and undergrounding power lines.
Napa County - Napa River, Cuttings Wharf
The County of Napa has applied to the Department of Boating and Waterways for a first-phase grant of $80,000 for a $985,000 project to improve the Cuttings Wharf Boat Launching Facility.
The proposed project will include the demolition of existing site facilities, the construction of a new concrete boat launching ramp and apron with two new boarding floats, and a sidewalk; the dewatering of the site; the repaving and striping of the existing parking area; the installation of a new restroom, lighting, drainage, and rock slope protection, and the addition of two shade ramadas with picnic tables, and a project sign.
Department loans and grants require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.
At a meeting today in Sacramento, the California Boating and Waterways Commission approved four Department of Boating and Waterways grant projects for improvements to boating facilities around the state. The approved projects are:
Butte County - Feather River
The Feather River Recreation and Park District has applied to the Department of Boating and Waterways for a $917,000 grant for improvements to the West Park/Riverbend boat launching facility.
The project includes dewatering the site; replacing the existing ramp and apron with a new two-lane concrete boat launching ramp and apron; installing two boarding floats; constructing a new paved access road, parking area, sidewalk, and restroom; upgrading the sewer and electrical systems; and installing a fish-cleaning station, irrigation, landscaping, shade ramadas, picnic tables, and a project sign.
Del Norte County - Crescent City Harbor Boat Launching Facility
The Crescent City Harbor District has applied to the Department for a first-phase grant of $85,000 for the construction of a proposed $825,000 project to renovate the Crescent City Harbor Boat Launching Facility. The project entails the replacement of the existing boat launching facility with a new two-lane concrete ramp, new boarding floats and gangway, a new barrier-free-access restroom; repairs to the east-side entrance breakwater; the construction of a new barrier-free access fish-cleaning station; extending the water and electrical service; and installing new lighting in the parking area.
Marin County - Petaluma River, Black Point Boat Launching Facility
The County of Marin has applied to the Department for a first-phase grant of $80,000 for a proposed $782,000 project to replace the boat launching facility at Black Point in Novato, on the Petaluma River.
The proposed project will include dredging; replacing the existing boat launching facility with a new concrete ramp and boarding float; repaving the parking area and resurfacing a median; installing a new restroom and fish-cleaning station; constructing a stairway, pay station, information kiosk and drainage; adding a boat washdown area, picnic tables, railroad-tie retaining walls with steps, a power distribution system, landscaping, signage, and lighting; and undergrounding power lines.
Napa County - Napa River, Cuttings Wharf
The County of Napa has applied to the Department of Boating and Waterways for a first-phase grant of $80,000 for a $985,000 project to improve the Cuttings Wharf Boat Launching Facility.
The proposed project will include the demolition of existing site facilities, the construction of a new concrete boat launching ramp and apron with two new boarding floats, and a sidewalk; the dewatering of the site; the repaving and striping of the existing parking area; the installation of a new restroom, lighting, drainage, and rock slope protection, and the addition of two shade ramadas with picnic tables, and a project sign.
Department loans and grants require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.
At a meeting on January 9 in Sacramento, the California Boating and Waterways Commission approved three Department of Boating and Waterways loan projects for improvements to boating facilities around the state. The approved projects are:
Los Angeles County - Basin 4, Alamitos Bay
The City of Long Beach will receive a Department of Boating and Waterways initial loan for project design and engineering in the amount of $2 million for a proposed $8,250,000 project to improve Basin 4 on Alamitos Bay.
The project includes dredging the marina, demolishing 239 existing berths and constructing 234 new berths, repaving the existing parking area, and constructing a new restroom.
The existing facilities at Basin 4, originally constructed in 1960, include 239 boat slips, a 329 space parking area, and a restroom. The Boating and Waterways Commission previously consented to loans totaling $4,288,000 to the City of Long Beach for improvements to the Alamitos Bay marinas (excluding Basin 4).
Mariposa County - Lake McClure
The Merced Irrigation District will receive a Department of Boating and Waterways loan of $767,000 to improve the McClure Point Recreation Area on Lake McClure. Lake McClure is located in the northwest corner of Mariposa County, on the eastern side of the San Joaquin Valley in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas. The McClure Point Recreation Area is located on the west side of the lake.
The existing facilities at the McClure Point Recreation Area include a marina with 48 slips, 24 houseboat berths, 91 offshore houseboat moorings, boat rentals, a fuel dock, a boat launching ramp, a parking area, a sewage pumpout, and a food and sundry store. The recreation area is operated by a concessionaire through a management agreement with the Merced Irrigation District.
This project entails the construction of 24 additional houseboat berths, 108 offshore houseboat moorings, and a wave attenuator.
San Diego County - National City Marina
The San Diego Unified Port District will receive a loan from the Department of Boating and Waterways of $4,031,000, for the second phase of $11 million in department funding for an $18.2 million project to construct the National City Marina.
An additional $7.2 million in funding for the project will be provided by the San Diego Unified Port District and the City of National City, ($4.2 million of Port funds and $3 million of City funds).
The site of the proposed National City Marina lies within the City of National City on the Sweetwater Flood Control Channel approximately 3/4 miles inland of the San Diego Bay. The site is bordered on the north and east by the City of National City, on the south by the City of Chula Vista, and on the west by San Diego Bay.
The project includes the construction of a 229 concrete berth marina, both standard-access and barrier-free access gangways, a 192-space parking area, a harbormaster's building, a restroom, dock utilities, a fuel dock, slope protection, security gates, public access pathways, landscaping, irrigation, signs, and ancillary items.
The San Diego Unified Port District and the City of National City will be funding the dredging of the marina basin, and the installation of pilings, dock communications (telephone, cable, and computer), and storm drains with oil/grease interceptors.
Two-hundred thousand cubic yards have currently been excavated from the marina basin. The Port will award the dredging contract in February 2003 for the remainder of the marina basin excavation (approximately 400,000 cubic yards).
Department loans require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.