


Rolling Hills Estates - Boating and Waterways Commission Vice Chairman, Harry L. Nelson, Jr., passed away on November 13, 2002 at the age of 74 due to complications from cancer. He is survived by his wife of 49 years, Joyce Wilson Nelson, four children, Anne Gravatt, Nancy Davis, Susan Adamsen and Hunt Nelson, and nine grandchildren.

"We are very saddened by Harry's passing, and extend our condolences to his family," said Raynor Tsuneyoshi, Boating and Waterways Director. "Harry was a fascinating individual, and a valued member of the commission, who provided great expertise on marina management and operation. We are really going to miss him."

Mr. Nelson was founder, president and CEO of Almar Ltd., a development and management company specializing in waterfront boat berthing facilities. He served as a member and director of the Wilshire Bank from 1979 to 1989, and was a former president of the Marina Recreation Association from 1980 to 1983. He also served in the National Guard from 1948 to 1951 and the U.S. Army from 1951 to 1952. Mr. Nelson earned an LLB degree from the University of California, Berkeley School of Law.

The seven-member Boating and Waterways Commission provides advice and consent on Department of Boating and Waterways loans and grants, and advises the Department on all matters within its jurisdiction.

Commissioner Nelson Remembered

Department of Boating and Waterways Director, Ray Tsuneyoshi, and Carlton Moore, Acting Deputy Director, presented a Distinguished Public Service Award plaque to the family of the late Boating and Waterways Commissioner, Harry L. Nelson, Jr. Harry's widow, Mrs. Joyce Nelson, accepted the award for the family.

The ceremony took place at a site that was near and dear to Harry's heart, the Ventura County Maritime Museum. Harry's private art collection, of national importance and including masterpieces of maritime painting and other unique pieces, is on display at the museum.

"Harry was not only a valued friend and commissioner, but an expert on maritime art. So, the museum that houses his important collection is the perfect place to present his family with this plaque. The award was our way of memorializing our debt to him for his dedicated service to the Commission, the Department and the recreational boaters of California."

Pictured l. to r. are George Davis, DBW Director Ray Tsuneyoshi, Hunt Nelson, Joyce Nelson, Anne Gravatt, Nancy Davis, and Jackie Cavish.




At a meeting on November 14, the California Boating and Waterways approved $2,457,000 in Department of Boating and Waterways boating facility grant projects. The approved projects are:

Fresno County - Mendota Delta Boat Launching Facility

A $1,127,000 grant to the City of Mendota for the third and final phase of construction of improvements including a new two-lane concrete boat launching ramp and boarding float, paved of an access road and parking for 50 vehicle/trailers, a flush restroom, sidewalks, a fish-cleaning station, a water well, underground power lines, lighting, landscaping, irrigation and signs.

San Bernardino County - Jack Smith Park Boat Launching Facility, Colorado River

A $174,000 grant to the City of Needles for the initial phase of a $1,674,000 project to dredge the boat launching channel, demolish the old boat launching ramp and build a new four-lane ramp with two new boarding floats, expand the existing parking area, replace the restroom, extend the water and sewer lines, and add a new entrance booth, fish-cleaning station, shade structure, boat washdown, sidewalk, slope protection, landscaping and signs.

San Joaquin County - Buckley Cove Boat Launching Facility

A $100,000 grant to the City of Stockton for the first phase of construction of improvements including replacing the old boat launching ramp and apron with a new four-lane ramp and apron, replace the boarding float abutments, gangways and stairs with new abutment and barrier-free gangways, extend three of the four existing boarding floats, replace four wood piles, rehabilitate the existing parking area, replace concrete curbing, install slope protection, and install security fencing, landscaping and signs.

San Joaquin County (Cont'd.) - Louis Park Boat Launching Facility

A $792,000 grant to the City of Stockton for improvements including replacing the existing two-lane boat launching ramp with a four-lane ramp, adding two boarding floats, extending and resurfacing/striping the parking area, constructing a sidewalk, safety railing, and a shade structure, and installing drainage, landscaping and signs.

Santa Cruz County - South Harbor Boat Launching Facility

A $264,000 grant to the Santa Cruz Port District for the initial phase of construction of improvements including the removal and replacement of the existing five-lane boat launching ramp and apron, timber support piling, boarding float, abutment and gangway; the installation of an additional boarding float and walkway float; and the installation of slope protection, lighting landscaping and signs.

Department grants require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.




At a meeting on November 14 in Monterey, the California Boating and Waterways Commission elected officers for 2003:

Michael L. Beatie, of Corte Madera, was re-elected to his second consecutive term as Chairman of the Commission. He is a senior vessel master for the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District in Larkspur. He has held the position of captain on several vessels and participated in the America's Cup in Australia in 1986 and 1987. Commissioner Beattie also serves on the Office of Oil Spill Prevention and Response's Harbor and Safety Committee, and is a member of the St. Francis Yacht Club.

Frederic A. Heim, of Encino, was elected Vice Chairman. He served as a member of the Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners from 1974 to 1987, during which time he served as President for seven terms. He was Commissioner of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power from 1977 to 1978. Mr. Heim co-founded five technology companies in the semi-conductor and computer field from 1955 to 1990, the most recent one, Computer Memories, Inc., a manufacturer of disc drives. He is also a retired veteran of the United States Navy.

The seven-member Boating and Waterways Commission provides advice and consent on Department of Boating and Waterways loans and grants, and advises the Department on all matters within its jurisdiction. Members do not receive a salary. The positions require Senate confirmation.





At a meeting set for November 14, 2002, the California Boating and Waterways Commission will consider approval of $2,457,000 in Department of Boating and Waterways boating facility grant projects. The meeting is open to the public and is scheduled to convene at 8:30 a.m. at the Monterey Marriott Hotel, 350 Calle Principal, Monterey, California. The proposed projects are:

Fresno County - Mendota Delta Boat Launching Facility

A $1,127,000 grant to the City of Mendota for the third and final phase of construction of improvements including a new two-lane concrete boat launching ramp and boarding float, paved of an access road and parking for 50 vehicle/trailers, a flush restroom, sidewalks, a fish-cleaning station, a water well, underground power lines, lighting, landscaping, irrigation and signs.

San Bernardino County - Jack Smith Park Boat Launching Facility

A $174,000 grant to the City of Needles for the initial phase of a $1,674,000 project to dredge the boat launching channel, demolish the old boat launching ramp and build a new four-lane ramp with two new boarding floats, expand the existing parking area, replace the restroom, extend the water and sewer lines, and add a new entrance booth, fish-cleaning station, shade structure, boat washdown, sidewalk, slope protection, landscaping and signs.

San Joaquin County - Buckley Cove Boat Launching Facility

A $100,000 grant to the City of Stockton for the first phase of construction of improvements including replacing the old boat launching ramp and apron with a new four-lane ramp and apron, replace the boarding float abutments, gangways and stairs with new abutment and barrier-free gangways, extend three of the four existing boarding floats, replace four wood piles, rehabilitate the existing parking area, replace concrete curbing, install slope protection, and install security fencing, landscaping and signs.

Louis Park Boat Launching Facility

A $792,000 grant to the City of Stockton for improvements including replacing the existing two-lane boat launching ramp with a four-lane ramp, adding two boarding floats, extending and resurfacing/striping the parking area, constructing a sidewalk, safety railing, and a shade structure, and installing drainage, landscaping and signs.

Santa Cruz County - South Harbor Boat Launching Facility

A $264,000 grant to the Santa Cruz Port District for the initial phase of construction of improvements including the removal and replacement of the existing five-lane boat launching ramp and apron, timber support piling, boarding float, abutment and gangway; the installation of an additional boarding float and walkway float; and the installation of slope protection, lighting landscaping and signs.

Department grants require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.




At a meeting on September 19 in South Lake Tahoe, the California Boating and Waterways Commission approved $22,699,000 in Department of Boating and Waterways boating facility loan and grant project funding. The approved projects are:

El Dorado County - El Dorado Beach Boat Launching Facility, Lake Tahoe

A $449,000 grant to the City of South Lake Tahoe for improvements including the construction of a new parking area with 40-50 vehicle/trailer spaces; modifications to the road into the existing parking area; upgrading the restrooms; relocation of lighting in the existing parking area; and a project sign.

Lassen County - Canyon Dam Boat Launching Facility, Lake Almanor

A $150,000 grant to the U.S. Forest Service for the first phase of construction of a $660,000 project, to include the reconstruction and widening of the existing boat launching ramp; installing a new boarding float; installing a new vault-style restroom, installing irrigation, and replacing signs.

Los Angeles County - Alamitos Bay Marina, Basin 8

A $1 million loan, the fourth and final phase of a $2,650,000 Department loan to the City of Long Beach for the construction of a $3,202,000 project on the Los Cerritos Channel. The project includes the construction of a 30-berth marina, with a 45-space parking area, restroom, a dock and landside utilities, landscaping, signs and ancillary items.

San Joaquin County - Morelli Park Boat Launching Facility, San Joaquin River

A $2,245,000 grant to the City of Stockton for improvements to include widening the ramp and adding a turnaround; installing three new boarding floats; reconfiguring and repaving the parking area and access road; upgrading the restroom for barrier-free access; constructing sidewalks, slope protection, drainage, a kiosk and gate; and adding lighting and electrical service, water and sewer lines, security fencing, and signs.

Stockton Waterfront Marina, San Joaquin River

An $8,600,000 loan to the City of Stockton, the second phase of $13,300,000 in Department loans for a $17,720,000 project to improve the marina, including, replacing the existing berths with 298 new berths (134 of which will be covered); installing new pilings; adding six standard and six barrier-free gangways; repaving and upgrading parking for 375 spaces; building a 150-space dry stack storage building at the nearby Morelli Park Boat Launching Facility; and installing dockside electrical, water, fire and communication utilities; and adding drainage and six security gates.

Sutter County - Tisdale Boat Launching Facility, Sacramento River

A $960,000 grant to the County of Sutter for the construction of a boat launching facility on the Sacramento River, to include a two-lane ramp, a 35-space vehicle/trailer parking area and slope protection.

Yuba County - Camp Far West, North Recreation Area Boat Launching Facility

A $150,00 grant to the South Sutter Water District for the first phase of a $1,568,000 project on the Bear River to build a new two-lane ramp with turnaround, a boarding float and gangway, paved parking for 28 vehicles and 48 vehicle/trailers, a restroom, walkways, slope protection, drainage, utilities and lighting.

Cottage Creek Boat Launching Facility, New Bullards Bar Reservoir

An $85,000 first phase grant to the Yuba County Water Agency for an $845,000 project to construct improvements to the boat launching facility, including repairing and expanding the parking area, repaving the access road, three new two-unit vault restrooms, a sidewalk, drainage and oil separation basins, chain link safety fences, erosion control seeding and signs.

In addition, the following consent calendar projects were approved:


Project Amount Previous Grants Date Total
Fairview BLF, Trinity Lake U.S. Forest Service Trinity County $1,000,000 $400,000
Phase I
Spalding Tract BLF
Eagle Lake
Spalding Community Service District 
Lassen County
$2,410,000 $170,000
Phase I
Red Hill Marina BLF, 
Salton Sea
County of Imperial
Imperial County 
$1,700,000 $100,000
Phase I


Project Amount Previous Loans Date Total
Berkeley Marina
City of Berkeley
Alameda County 
$2,000,000 $1,800,000
Phase I
(Includes proposed future phase-funding)
Sausalito Yacht Harbor
City of Sausalito
Marin County
$200,000 $1,400,000
Phase I

GRANT & LOAN TOTAL $7,310,000 

Emergency Loans $500,000
Planning Loans $200,000
Ramp Repair & Extension $1,000,000
Signs $50,000
GRAND TOTAL $9,060,000


Department loans and grants require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.




At a meeting set for September 19, 2002, the California Boating and Waterways Commission will consider approval of $13,772,000 in Department of Boating and Waterways boating facility loan and grant projects, and an additional $9,060,000 in consent calendar loans and grants. The meeting is open to the public and is scheduled to convene at 8:30 a.m. at the Forest Suites Resort, One Lake Parkway in South Lake Tahoe, California. The proposed projects are:

El Dorado County - El Dorado Boat Launching Facility

A $460,000 grant to the City of South Lake Tahoe, for improvements including the construction of a new parking area with 40-50 vehicle/trailer spaces; modifications to the road into the existing parking area; upgrading the restrooms; undergrounding of power lines and relocation of lighting in the existing parking area; and installing new landscaping and irrigation and a project sign.

Lassen County - Canyon Dam Boat Launching Facility

A $150,000 grant to the U.S. Forest Service for the first phase of construction of a $660,000 project, to include reconstructing and widening the existing boat launching ramp; installing a new boarding float; installing a new vault-style restroom, installing irrigation, and replacing signs.

Los Angeles County - Alamitos Bay Marina, Basin 8

A $1 million loan, the fourth and final phase of a $2,650,000 Department loan for the construction of a $3,202,000 project. The project includes the construction of a 30-berth marina, with a 45-space parking area, restroom, a dock and landside utilities, landscaping, signs and ancillary items.

San Joaquin County - Morelli Park Boat Launching Facility

A $2,367,000 grant to the City of Stockton for improvements to include widening the ramp and adding a turnaround; installing three new boarding floats; reconfiguring and repaving the parking area and access road; upgrading the restroom for barrier-free access; constructing sidewalks, slope protection, drainage, a kiosk and gate; and adding lighting and electrical service, water and sewer lines, security fencing, landscaping, irrigation, and signs.

Stockton Waterfront Marina

An $8,600,000 loan to the City of Stockton, the second phase of $13,300,000 in Department loans for a $17,720,000 project to improve the marina, including, replacing the existing berths with 298 new berths (134 of which will be covered); installing new pilings; adding six standard and six barrier-free gangways; repaving and upgrading parking for 375 spaces; building a 150-space dry stack storage building at the nearby Morelli Park Boat Launching Facility; and installing dockside electrical, water, fire and communication utilities; and adding drainage and six security gates.

Sutter County - Tisdale Boat Launching Facility

A $960,000 grant to the County of Sutter for the construction of a boat launching facility on the Sacramento River, to include a two-lane ramp, a 35-space vehicle/trailer parking area and slope protection.

Yuba County - Camp Far West, North Recreation Area Boat Launching Facility

A $150,000 grant to the South Sutter Water District for the first phase of a $1,568,000 project to build a new two-lane ramp with turnaround, a boarding float and gangway, paved parking for 28 vehicles and 48 vehicle/trailers, a restroom, walkways, slope protection, drainage, utilities, lighting and landscaping.

Cottage Creek Boat Launching Facility

An $85,000 first phase grant to the Yuba County Water Agency for an $845,000 project to construct improvements to the boat launching facility on New Bullards Bar Reservoir, including repairing and expanding the parking area, repaving the access road, three new two-unit vault restrooms, a sidewalk, drainage and oil separation basins, chain link safety fences, erosion control seeding and signs.

Department loans and grants require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.





At a meeting held on June 18, 2002, in Concord, Calif., the California Boating and Waterways Commission approved $1,535,000 in Department of Boating and Waterways boating facility loans. The approved projects are:

Alameda County - Fortman Marina

A $235,000 loan to the owners of the Fortman Marina, located in the city of Alameda, for improvements including installing new roofs, decks and flotation for the docks with covered berths; reconfiguring and replacing the end tie docks; upgrading the restrooms; replacing piles; paving and sealing the parking area; and installing new landscaping.

San Diego County - National City (Chula Vista) Marina

A $1,300,000 loan to the San Diego Unified Port District, for the engineering and design phase of an $11,000,000 loan. The Port and the City of National City will provide an additional $7,214,000 for the $18,214,000 project. The proposed project will include a new 229-berth marina, with barrier-free gangways, a 192-space parking lot, a harbormaster's building, a restroom, dock utilities, a fuel dock, slope protection, security gates, pathways, landscaping and irrigation, and signs. The Port District and the City will fund the dredging of the marina basin, pilings, dock communications, and storm drains.

Department loans and grants require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.




At a meeting on April 4, in Buellton, Ca., the California Boating and Waterways Commission approved $11,325,000 in Department of Boating and Waterways boating facility loans and grants. The approved projects are:

Contra Costa County - Martinez Marina

Reconsideration of an $855,000 grant to the City of Martinez for high-water improvements to the boat launching facility, including raising and extending the existing ramp; replacing two boarding float piles and constructing a new boarding float abutment; raising, re-paving and restriping the parking area, access road and turnaround; raising the storm drains; adding slope protection; relocating the parking area lighting, and providing signs.

Los Angeles County - Long Beach Downtown and Shoreline Village Marinas

A third-phase loan of $6,902,000 to the City of Long Beach for a $16,718,000 project to improve the Downtown and Shoreline Village Marinas that includes the replacement of dock fingers and gangways, new decking, rock reinforcement, utility upgrades, new bumpers and cleats, and parking security.

San Joaquin County - Stockton Marina

A $1,700,000 loan to the City of Stockton, the first phase of a $13,300,000 loan for part of the improvements proposed for the Stockton Waterfront Marina. The City of Stockton will fund the balance of the $17,720,000 project which includes replacement of berths, installation of new piling, 12 new gangways, parking area improvements, construction of a dry stack storage building, new dockside utilities, security gates, and drainage.

Santa Barbara County - Lake Cachuma

A $1,400,000 grant to the County of Santa Barbara for the third phase of construction of a $2,674,000 project to improve a new five-lane, multi-stage boat launching ramp, three new wooden boarding floats, a short-term parking and staging area, reconfiguring and repaving the roadways, queuing area and turnaround, access stairs from the upper parking area to the ramp, a new four-lane boat launching ramp for sailboats and special events at Mohawk Point, three new wooden boarding floats, a queuing area and turnaround for that ramp, and a parking area and improved roadways for that ramp.

Ventura County - Ventura Harbor

A $468,000 grant to the Ventura Port District for improvements to the Ventura Boat Launching Facility, including repairs to the existing ramp, redesigning and repaving an existing parking area as overflow parking for the ramp, new boarding floats, provide an electronic message board for local weather and ocean conditions, re-plumb the boat washdown facility, and add lighting and landscaping.

Department loans and grants require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.




At a meeting held today in Sacramento, the California Boating and Waterways Commission approved $3,680,000 in Department of Boating and Waterways boating facility grants. The meeting is open to the public and is scheduled to convene at 8:00 a.m. at Radisson Hotel Sacramento. at 500 Leisure Lane, Suite 304. The proposed projects are:

Contra Costa County - Martinez Marina

A $855,000 grant to the City of Martinez for high-water improvements to the boat launching facility, including raising and extending the existing ramp; replacing two boarding float piles and constructing a new boarding float abutment; raising, re-paving and restriping the parking area, access road and turnaround; raising the storm drains; adding slope protection; relocating the parking area lighting, and providing signs.

Monterey County - Lake Nacimiento

A $1,365,000 grant to Monterey County for improvements to the South Shore Boat Launching Facility, including reconfiguring, repaving and restriping the parking area; adding a parking area storm drain system; installing two boarding floats; constructing a new kiosk entry; relocating the fueling station, propane tank, fish-cleaning station, compressor building and dump station; and providing lighting, landscaping, and signs.

Sacramento County - Sacramento River

A third-phase grant of $750,000 to the County of Sacramento for a $1,300,000 project to make improvements to the Elkhorn Boat Launching Facility, located on the Sacramento River near its junction with Interstate 5. The project includes the construction of a new two-lane concrete boat ramp and boarding float; redesigning and repaving the parking area; construction of a restroom, a walkway and slope protection; and providing landscaping, lighting and signs.

San Mateo County - San Francisco Bay

A $280,000 grant to the Port of Redwood City for improvements to the Redwood City Boat Launching Facility, including installing new boarding floats with a new abutment, modifying the existing boat ramp to accommodate the installation of the new boarding floats, and installing new guide piles and slope protection.

Yolo County - Sacramento River

A 430,000 grant to the City of West Sacramento for improvements to the Broderick Boat Launching Facility, located on the Sacramento River, for a project to include replacing asphalt with concrete at the head of the existing boat ramp, widening the parking area, constructing a walkway, adding slope protection, upgrading security lighting, and providing two security gates and signs.

Department loans and grants require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.




At a meeting held today in Sacramento, the California Boating and Waterways Commission approved $3,680,000 in Department of Boating and Waterways boating facility grants. The meeting is open to the public and is scheduled to convene at 8:00 a.m. at Radisson Hotel Sacramento. at 500 Leisure Lane, Suite 304. The proposed projects are:

Contra Costa County - Martinez Marina

A $855,000 grant to the City of Martinez for high-water improvements to the boat launching facility, including raising and extending the existing ramp; replacing two boarding float piles and constructing a new boarding float abutment; raising, re-paving and restriping the parking area, access road and turnaround; raising the storm drains; adding slope protection; relocating the parking area lighting, and providing signs.

Monterey County - Lake Nacimiento

A $1,365,000 grant to Monterey County for improvements to the South Shore Boat Launching Facility, including reconfiguring, repaving and restriping the parking area; adding a parking area storm drain system; installing two boarding floats; constructing a new kiosk entry; relocating the fueling station, propane tank, fish-cleaning station, compressor building and dump station; and providing lighting, landscaping, and signs.

Sacramento County - Sacramento River

A third-phase grant of $750,000 to the County of Sacramento for a $1,300,000 project to make improvements to the Elkhorn Boat Launching Facility, located on the Sacramento River near its junction with Interstate 5. The project includes the construction of a new two-lane concrete boat ramp and boarding float; redesigning and repaving the parking area; construction of a restroom, a walkway and slope protection; and providing landscaping, lighting and signs.

San Mateo County - San Francisco Bay

A $280,000 grant to the Port of Redwood City for improvements to the Redwood City Boat Launching Facility, including installing new boarding floats with a new abutment, modifying the existing boat ramp to accommodate the installation of the new boarding floats, and installing new guide piles and slope protection.

Yolo County - Sacramento River

A 430,000 grant to the City of West Sacramento for improvements to the Broderick Boat Launching Facility, located on the Sacramento River, for a project to include replacing asphalt with concrete at the head of the existing boat ramp, widening the parking area, constructing a walkway, adding slope protection, upgrading security lighting, and providing two security gates and signs.

Department loans and grants require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.




At a meeting held today in Sacramento, the California Boating and Waterways Commission welcomed the reappointment of two members, approved $2,825,000 in Department of Boating and Waterways boating facility grants, and held one grant proposal over until their April 4, 2002, meeting.

Commissioners Robert Y. Nagata, 56, and Harry L. Nelson, Jr., 74, were reappointed by Governor Gray Davis on January 16.

Mr. Nagata, of Los Angeles, is with the law firm of Lamb & Baute, LLP. He is an avid fisherman, a boat owner since 1977, and has been licensed by the U.S. Coast Guard to operate small uninspected passenger vessels since 1987. Mr. Nagata earned a bachelor of science degree from the University of Southern California in 1967, and a Juris Doctorate from the University of San Diego School of Law. He worked as a tax accountant for Price Waterhouse and Company from 1970-73 and since 1973, has practiced tax and corporate law. He was formerly a partner with both the international law firm of Jones Day Reavis & Pogue, and the Los Angeles law firm, Musick Peeler & Garrett.

Mr. Nelson, of Rolling Hills Estates, is president and founder of Almar Ltd., a development and management company specializing in waterfront boat berthing facilities. He served as a member and director of the Wilshire Bank from 1979 to 1989. As former president of the Marina Recreation Association from 1980 to 1983, Mr. Nelson knows boating, waterway and marina issues well. He also served in the National Guard from 1948 to 1951 and the U.S. Army from 1951 to 1952. Mr. Nelson earned an LLB degree from the University of California, Berkeley School of Law.

The following project was postponed until the commission's April 4 meeting in Solvang, due to concerns of some commissioners regarding the Martinez Marina.

Contra Costa County - Martinez Marina

A $855,000 grant to the City of Martinez for high-water improvements to the boat launching facility, including raising and extending the existing ramp; replacing two boarding float piles and constructing a new boarding float abutment; raising, re-paving and restriping the parking area, access road and turnaround; raising the storm drains; adding slope protection; relocating the parking area lighting, and providing signs. The approved projects are:

Monterey County - Lake Nacimiento

A $1,365,000 grant to Monterey County for improvements to the South Shore Boat Launching Facility, including reconfiguring, repaving and restriping the parking area; adding a parking area storm drain system; installing two boarding floats; constructing a new kiosk entry; relocating the fueling station, propane tank, fish-cleaning station, compressor building and dump station; and providing lighting, landscaping, and signs.

Sacramento County - Sacramento River

A third-phase grant of $750,000 to the County of Sacramento for a $1,300,000 project to make improvements to the Elkhorn Boat Launching Facility, located on the Sacramento River near its junction with Interstate 5. The project includes the construction of a new two-lane concrete boat ramp and boarding float; redesigning and repaving the parking area; construction of a restroom, a walkway and slope protection; and providing landscaping, lighting and signs.

San Mateo County - San Francisco Bay

A $280,000 grant to the Port of Redwood City for improvements to the Redwood City Boat Launching Facility, including installing new boarding floats with a new abutment, modifying the existing boat ramp to accommodate the installation of the new boarding floats, and installing new guide piles and slope protection.

Yolo County - Sacramento River

A 430,000 grant to the City of West Sacramento for improvements to the Broderick Boat Launching Facility, located on the Sacramento River, for a project to include replacing asphalt with concrete at the head of the existing boat ramp, widening the parking area, constructing a walkway, adding slope protection, upgrading security lighting, and providing two security gates and signs.

Department loans and grants require the consent of the Boating and Waterways commission. The seven-member commission, appointed by the Governor, also advises the Department on matters within its jurisdiction. Funding for the projects is derived from the taxes paid by boaters on the purchase of gasoline for their vessels.