
Montezuma Slough Boat Lock Updates

Notice of Flashboards Removal/ Boat Lock Suspension at Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates

Posted: 04/23/2010

The California Department of Water Resources advises that it will remove the flashboards and suspend Boat Lock operations at the Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates, located 2.2 nautical miles from the easterly end of Montezuma Slough at coordinates, 38  05’36”N 121  53’07”W, beginning no sooner than April 27, 2010.

Mariners are advised to use the Maintenance Channel on the east side of the channel.  The Boat Lock will be closed to boat traffic.  Signs and lights will be posted to warn vessels to avoid the Boat Lock.

Temporary Boat Lock Closure for Repairs at Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates Structures

Posted: 10/08/2009

SACRAMENTO -- The California Department of Water Resources (CDWR) advises that it will operate the boat locks at their Salinity Control Structure, located 2.2 nautical miles from the easterly end of Montezuma Slough at coordinates, 38.05'36"N121.53'07"W, starting October 8, 2009 through May 31, 2010, contingent on hydrologic conditions.

From October 8, 2009, the flashboards will be in place across the maintenance channel, thus vessels can only pass through the boat lock. A boat lock operator will be on duty every day, from October through May, until further notice.

The boat lock signal is a standard traffic light. Whistle signals to request opening are two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts. Channel 12 VHF-FM will be monitored during hours of operation. Full instructions on passage including an emergency phone number are posted on site.

The boat lock is located on the east side of the channel and provides the following clearances: 16 feel horizontally; 9 feet over the sill at MLLW; 70 feet in length between sector gates; and no vertical impairment. The piers will be marked by fixed red lights and other parts of the structure by fixed yellow lights.

Mariners should be aware a shoal area exists along the east bank on both sides of the structure extending approximately 50 feet out from the existing levee. Marker buoys have been placed to identify the area. Mariners are also advised that the Salinity Control Structure operations can at times create currents at the site greater than currents in other areas of Montezuma Slough.


Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates Operations for 2008-2009

SACRAMENTO -- The California Department of Water Resources advises that it will operate the boat locks at the Salinity Control Structure, located 2.2 nautical miles from the easterly end of Montezuma Slough at coordinates, 38.05'36"N121.53'07"W, starting October 1, 2008 through May 31, 2009, contingent on hydrologic conditions.

From October 1, 2008, the flashboards will be in place across the maintenance channel, thus vessels can only pass through the boat lock. A boat lock operator will be on duty every day from November through May, until further notice. The boat lock signal is a standard traffic light. Whistle signals to request opening are two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts. Channel 13 VHF-FM will be monitored during hours of operation. Full instructions on passage including an emergency phone number are posted on site.

The boat lock is located on the east side of the channel and provides the following clearances: 16 feet horizontally; 9 feet over the sill at MLLW; 70 feet in length between sector gates; and no vertical impairment. The piers will be marked by fixed red lights and other parts of the structure by fixed yellow lights.

Mariners should be aware a shoal area exists along the east bank on both sides of the structure extending approximately 50 feet out from the existing levee. Marker buoys have been placed to identify the area. Mariners are also advised that the Salinity Control Structure operations can at times create currents at the site greater than currents in others areas of Montezuma Slough.