This page provides links to documents relevant to CSMW's mission. Please check back for updates.
CSMW Reports:
- California Coastal Sediment Management Master Plan Workplan 2002
- California Beach Erosion Assessment Survey 2010
- Coastal Sediment References 2004
- Drafts
- Initial Report of the CSMW
- GIS User Needs Survey 2011
- Sediment Master Plan Baseline Report 2006
- Sediment Master Plan Status Report 2009
- Sediment Master Plan Status Report 2012
Coastal Erosion:
- CA Resources Agency Shoreline Erosion Protection Policy 1978
- Coastal Change - Beaches and Cliffs
- Dept. of Parks and Recreation Memo 1999
- Erosion Mitigation Alternatives Southern Monterey Bay
- Atlas of Shoreline Erosion along the California Coast
- Shoreline Erosion Atlas- San Diego Region
Coastal Engineering:
- California Sand Retention Structure Impacts
- California Sand Retention Structure Impacts - Appendix A
- SLC Shoreline Protective Structures
- USACE Coastal Engineering Manual
Economic Studies:
- Beach Spending/Recreational Benefits, City of San Clemente
- Beach Spending/Recreational Benefits, City of Carpinteria
- Economic Costs of Sea-Level Rise to California Beach Communities
- Economics of RSM
- Economic Losses from failure to maintain California's Beaches
- Fiscal Impacts of Beaches in California
- Managing Sandy Beach Ecosystems
- Overcrowding & Demand for Beaches, Southern California
- State Dredge Economic Feasibility Analysis
- Economic Benefits and Impacts of SANDAGs Regional Nourishment Project
- BEACON - Programmatic EIR
- Beach Nourishment Influences on Biological Resources
- CEQA Information
- Fisheries Response to Channel Deepening
- Natural Resources Protection Workshops
- San Diego CRSMP- Proposed Actions & Alternatives
- SCOUP Pilot Project MND
Outreach / Public Information
- El Nino and California Coast 2015-2016
- Beach Restoration Regulatory Guide
- California Coastal Sediment Master Plan Informational Brochure
- Explore the California Coastline Volume 1: Oregon Border to Klamath River Mouth
- Explore the California Coastline Volume 2: Klamath River to Punta Gorda
- Explore the California Coastline Volume 3: Punta Gorda to Arena Cove
- Explore the California Coastline Volume 4: Arena Cove to the Golden Gate
- Explore the California Coastline Volume 5: San Francisco Bay
- Explore the California Coastline Volume 6: The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Explore the California Coastline Volume 7: Golden Gate to Davenport
- Explore the California Coastline Volume 8: Davenport to Cape San Martin
- Explore the California Coastline Volume 9: Cape San Martin to Pt. Conception
- Explore the California Coastline Volume 10: Point Conception to Point Mugu
- Explore the California Coastline Volume 11: Point Mugu to Point Fermin
- Explore the California Coastline Volume 12: Point Fermin to Newport Beach
- Explore the California Coastline Volume 13: Newport Beach to the Mexican Border
- How Beach Nourishment Works
- Littoral Cells, Sand Budgets and Beaches
Planning and Policy
- BOEM Minerals Management Program
- Florida's Beach Restoration Program
- Ocean Protection Council Strategic Plan
- Regional General Permit for Beach Nourishment
- Texas's Beach Restoration Program
- West Coast Governors Agreement on Ocean Health - Action Plan
Regional Sediment Management:
- Coastal RSM Plan for Southern Monterey Bay
- Coastal RSM Plan Pt. Conception to Pt. Mugu
- Coastal RSM Plan for the San Diego Region
- Coastal RSM Plan for Orange County
- Coastal RSM Plan for San Luis Obispo County
- Coastal RSM Plan for Santa Cruz Littoral Cell
- RSM Primer
- Sand Compatibility and Opportunistic Use Program (SCOUP)
- Sandshed Management
Sea Level Rise
- California Coastal Erosion Response to Sea Level Rise
- Impacts of Sea Level Rise on the California Coast
- USACE Policy on Sea Level Rise
Sediment Assessments:
- California Beach Restoration Study 2002
- Cumulative Loss of Sand to the California Coast by Dams
- Development of Sand Budgets for California Major Littoral Cells
- Dispersal of fine Sediment in Nearshore Coastal Waters
- Effects on Turbidity from Dredging Operations - CSTF Review
- Fine-grained Sediment Dynamics Santa Cruz Harbor 2011 (30MB)
- Offshore Canyon Sand Capture
- Reservoir Sedimentation Database (RESSED)
- Sources, Disperal and Fate of Fine Sediment Supplied to Coastal California
- Sediment Dynamics Tijuana Estuary Demonstration Project 2012
- Coastal Structures: Impacts to RSM along the U.S. West Coast
- Process Based Landslide Prediction
- Pressure Equalizing Modules (PEMs) Reports
- Jutland Field Test PEMs June 2008 Part I
- Jutland Field Test PEMs June 2008 Part II
- Jutland Field Test PEMs June 2008 Part III
- Jutland Field Test PEMs June 2008 Appendices
- Holmsland Barrier Field Tests June 2008 Burcharth
- Synthesis of an Erosion Hot Spot, Ocean Beach, California
- USACE Digest H2O Resources Policies and Authorities
- USACE Publications