Public Outreach
CSMW initiated their Sediment Master Plan (SMP) efforts in 2004 by conducting a series of public workshops and meetings with local, county and regional government agencies throughout the coastal portions of the state. The public workshops were an opportunity to share the project plan and goals with the public, gather information on local sedimentation and shoreline erosion problems, identify local sediment management-related activities, and identify coordination and data sharing opportunities with local government and groups such as watershed councils.
Outreach efforts are also an integral part of each Coastal Regional Sediment Management Plan (CRSMP or Plan) developed for specific portions of the California coastline. Division of the California coastline into segments for planning purposes was a major outcome of the public outreach efforts described above. CSMW has or is developing working relationships with a regional partner for each coastline portion. The regional partner helps CSMW develop a Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) (typically interested or affected agencies) as well as a public outreach program to ensure that each CRSMP addresses local issues of concern. Each CRSMP completed to date (January 2015) and those with significant progress have information posted to this website, linked to from the Coastal RSM Plan page.
Starting in 2014, the CSMW has revisited CRSMP regions, hosting Public workshops to share information gained through the development of the Plan, and obtain local input on issues related to implementation of recommendations presented in the Plan. The Link to your right takes you to a page where agenda and meeting notes for each SMP implementation workshop completed to date have been posted.
A Public Outreach Contact List has been compiled and as a means to keep interested parties apprised of significant SMP and Coastal RSM Plan developments. This list is periodically updated to include contact information from the various Coastal RSM Plans as they are developed as well as the SMP implementation workshops. Please check back periodically for updates!